Posts: 53
Registered: ‎01-05-2021
Is this QVC's way of doing business?
Send out an order that was canceled 17 days ago. And the order clearly states canceled. Has anyone had this happen to them?
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Yes it can happen if the item ships from the vendor.
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Yes, I got a refund, an apology letter & I simply returned the big deal.

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@DbinMd2 I have not experienced the exact same issue but similar. Like @kitcat51 stated, it really is no big deal. The Q is very good about refunding your money IF you were still charged. 


I definitely wouldn't let it fluff any feathers. They will make the return as easy as possible, and possibly have you just keep the item, depending on what it was. In my case, it was a food item and they said keep it and never charged me. 

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I once cancelled an order and  received the cancellation confirmation email.  It was to have been shipped directly from the vendor, not QVC.

I subsequently received the item, and contacted QVC to complain and was told I would receive a refund.  I never received it.

This was during the early days of the pandemic when so much was in flux so I let it ride but I was annoyed on two counts - my cancellation was ignored, and I had been told I would get a refund but never did.

It only happened that one time fortunately.

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@DbinMd2      Yes, it's happened to me on a few auto ships I had cancelled last year.  I did call and not use the automated cancellation feature this time though because I wanted to let a person know how this could potentially put someone in a bind if they were not expecting these sudden charges. 

I did end up keeping two of the extra deliveries, using one for a gift and the other just to "have", but the eye product that didn't work went back immediately.



Posts: 53
Registered: ‎01-05-2021
Thank you everyone.
I appreciate your answers.