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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

This blunder will go down in business textbooks as one of the biggest:


The Edsel

New Coke 

Jello 1-2-3


Qurate Ignores Veteran Customers

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Registered: ‎01-04-2015

Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

Well, I just spoke to customer service and I was told no such promotion exists. After I instead that the show hosts are talking abour it and a banner appears on the screen she checked. She then came back and the promotion is only for the first purchase and expires at midnight on 12/31 and then asked if I wanted to place an order. I politely said no and wished her a nice day and hung up the phone.

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Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

[ Edited ]

@Franklinbell wrote:

Well, I just spoke to customer service and I was told no such promotion exists. After I instead that the show hosts are talkingabourr it and a banner appears on the screen she checked. She then came back and the promotion is only for the first purchase and expires at midnight on 12/31 and then asked if I wanted to place an order. I politely said no and wished her a nice day and hung up the phone.

Franklinbelll   Unfortunately, that customer rep was close to useless.  They're not up to date with the promotions; don't know how to check to see the latest promotions; then gives wrong information, still, after checking on the promotion. Geeshh.

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Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

@Johnnyeager that's funny! I remember new coke! What a scream!

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

[ Edited ]

The new Chief People Officer Linda might want to work on improving communications with her employees. 


What a joke.

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Registered: ‎01-04-2015

Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

@Caaareful Shopper I see that! Gosh! Oh well! I'm sure this story will continue to evolve! I'm off to spend my retirement plan at the grocery store! Lol

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Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

All functional public relations departments have prepared disaster plans ready just in case.


Time to pull them out.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

From the "coupon" page:


"New Customers Get Free Shipping thru 1/31/23*"


I could not figure out where to find the asterisk information.  Maybe it says something like

limited to a certain number of orders.


It's not unusual for companies to woo new customers with good values. Think of your cable company, don't they chum people in with deals we cannot get?


Anyway, I don't really care about this actually.  Shipping cost helps me control shopping, and if I really want something I'll pay shipping or wait for a free day, and as they say, "when it's gone, it's gone."  



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Posts: 3,077
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

The new Chief People Officer* is working on this rignt now....


She wanted to work on eliminating the Happy Dance, the YumYum Face and the JT HONEY stuff, but now this dang free shipping shower decision comes up...What a first day!!!!


Someone's head will roll....or be reassigned to the new "Chief WashRoom Attendant"....



* Linda Aiello.


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Posts: 96
Registered: ‎06-29-2010

Re: New Customer Free Shipping Uproar

Re: Disincentive to buy


‎10-15-2022 12:21 PM

My sister received this email; I did not and we are both long time customers of the Q. Why would they send the email to a current customer? They thought we'd pass it on to a person who has never shopped with QVC?    It does say one can make only 15 purchases until the end of January. What do they consider a purchase?  One item or one order with several items?  15 purchases of one item is a savings of over $82 if all are $5.50 for the shipping and handling.    I feel the same way other current customers do; we get a free shipping every now and then.  Come on Q, appreciate your long time shoppers.  I have been shopping since 1997; my first purchase was a claddagh necklace.