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Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

Those QVC mods are right on top of things.  This thread was removed because it was started by a previously banned poster using a new NIC.  You have to hand it to the  mods.  Not a fun job and I have not always agreed with them but they are Johnny on the Spot.

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

It's nice to see they are now able to identify banned posters and ban them again.

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

@GCR18 wrote:

It's nice to see they are now able to identify banned posters and ban them again.



"Mootsie" and its multiple alter egoes started a thread where they were talking to each other (3-4 "different" people!) several days ago. It was taken down because it was reported as being a new nic of a well-known troll. Since that well-known troll had previously posted the same (but different than the recent one) exact OP multiple times, and it was demonstrated that they were doing the same thing all over the internet in various forums, they certainly hadn't been banned but kept doing it. And the "new nic" of the OP in the poofed Mootsie thread was *already* recognized by posters as the previous troll.


All we have been able to do about this person is report them with an explanation of exactly why they're being reported, and hope the moderators see it sooner rather than later, as Beth did.


I can only suggest that, when this particular troll "and friends" shows up, *everyone* who sees the post reports it, so it will be seen faster & dealt with ASAP.

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

so, who is or was mootsie in his/her previous lives?

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

Every entity that deals with the public has its weirdos and nutcase with whom it must cope.  QVC is no different.

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

@Moonchilde too much drama for me!!  I can't imagine what goes on in the mind of someone who dreams up these things.

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

Is Mootsie another incarnation of our Amy fan?

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

My life is complicated enough without making up alternate nics so I can say wonderful things in support of myself and my empty life. Get a grip.

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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends




and GOK who else.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Mootsie Is here thread in Among Friends

@KathyPet wrote:

Is Mootsie another incarnation of our Amy fan?




Life without Mexican food is no life at all