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Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

She just made the announcement.

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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

That was so nice to watch.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

Your pen must have been poised,😂😂😂😂😂

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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

Plenty time left to enjoy iMary Beth.

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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

@San Antonio Gal 


8-9 months advance notice as MBR said. Lots of lead time on that one.

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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

Very sweet how she wanted to tell the viewers before they find out other ways. 🥰
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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

She just made the announcement.

@San Antonio Gal   I just turned it on and caught the end of it.   Wonder why they announced it so early?   I hate to see her go.

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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

[ Edited ]

I am glad they announced it, to get ahead of all the speculation next March about what happened, and she genuinely seems so happy. Those hours and schedules must really wear you down no matter how much you think you love your job.  Good for her and all the best.

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Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

Fabulous simple hug-a-thon Rick started 🥰
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Registered: ‎05-18-2017

Re: Mary Beth Retires in March 2025

@BalletBabe  - She said the word was getting out already and she wanted everyone to hear it from her instead of other sources.