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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

@bestday @That was funny!

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

I think Martha is an incredibly talented lifestyle expert & she should have stuck with that.  I mean how much money do you need?   She is just so creative.  Years ago, I ordered something from her Company for "Daughters at Work Day" when it was just girls & I spoke to an employee.  I told him that he probably had the best job in the world & how much I admired her.    He gave me an earful about Martha & it wasn't nice.  That conversation stuck in my mind.  

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Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

Julia just did a walk-on during Alberti's show to promo her Q2 show.  Alberti made mention of how Martha Stewart loves Julia which Julia rightfully loved.


Hiya, Alberti!

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Registered: ‎02-06-2022

Re: Martha Stewart is VERY Impressed with Julia C

@Elodie2 I was watching too and thought that was Very Nice of Alberti to mention. And that I wasn’t the only one who noticed that day how much Martha enjoyed working with Julia. I’m sure Higher ups took note too!! 🤗🤗🤗