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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@BalletBabe wrote:

@Kachina624   Not me and I don't want one!  

I have one, tried it a couple of nights and got horrible headaches from what it did to my neck.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@BalletBabe  Does the key on your computer stick when you press down on the exclamation point key? 

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Registered: ‎02-19-2012

Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will neve understand why adults, rather tha simply changing the channel, come on here to complain about the "pain" or watching QVC or being forced to watched someone present a product all day.  Seriously?  No one is forcing anyone here.


QVC will continue to air these products as long as people buy them.  It is very simple.

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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boring repeat products have zapped my interest in QVC. These pillows? I don't care if you can wash those pillows or not, I would not invest in them. My dermatologist recommends that pillows be replaced every year or so. I buy nice feather and down pillows for me and foam pillows which my husband prefers. And every winter I clean them and donate them to two no-kill animal shelters where they can be used as beds and tossed or washed.

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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Edited ]

@BalletBabe  Does the key on your computer stick when you press down on the exclamation point key? 




@Pearlee  Um no ---  That is how I type it?   Sorry if it bothers you.  You can skip over my posts and not read them if it annoys you!  Do you question what everyone types????  and no my key does not stick on my question mark !!!!!

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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just curious. So many seem upset on the boards about repeat merchandise. In one business around town I know of, you could see that with quality of life going on now, and the lack of spending money a lot of people don't have anymore, stopped filling their shelves. Look at Penny's and Sears etc. The malls around here are almost ghost towns. They stopped filling with excess, since only a few were buying their product. Until purchases are made here, I see that continuing.

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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be some kind of Psycology they use on the consumer.........repeat it...repeat it.....until people think "Gee, these must really be nice and I should get one".......

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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I read somewhere that any given pillow may be the right one for about 50% of the people who try, given that, I certainly think it is great for those that find this brand to be "the one" for them! This guy does "creep" me out a little, too, so I don't watch on My Pillow days. (I appreciate and respect his faith, but he clearly must go out of his way to position his cross necklace to hang outside of his shirt every time he is on the air, and I find that disturbing...hanging out the religious symbol as if trying to appear a certain way.)

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Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q is more interested in new sales than retaining existing customers.  They will repeat the same items ad nauseam until they stop selling.  So I stopped watching.

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Registered: ‎02-18-2012

Re: MY PILLOW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

animation disney cartoon princess tired


For the record:  


I LOVE My Pillow; however, I don't want to see any more presentations


I got my mom the My Pillow travel size!  She loves it and says it's her all time favorite.  I think she places it on top of another pillow--but uses it ever night