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Yes and mine aren't very old at all.  I was wondering if qvc will replace the lid for me.  It's only one lid so far that has a broken piece.

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I see a huge quality difference in the very first Lock and Lock sets I bought, compared to the flimsy pieces I have bought within the last year.   I love the pieces I have, but unless quality improves, I am done with this line.   

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎07-01-2010

Yes! This happened to me with the spaghetti holder and some of the square and round containers. Coincidentally, they are all red tops. Never had a problem with the clear. I know there is  a lifetime guarantee, but don't know what to do with them. I agree with you, Kaity... Quality not the same.

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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Beware if you are thinking of buying these.  I called qvc and they just gave me a phone number to lock and lock and didn't want to get involved in replacing the lid.  When I called the number I just got an answering machine.  No call back.  Disapppointed.  I won't reorder.  FYI my lids are RED also.

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@kaity1965 wrote:

I love Lock and Lock and have a lot of pieces in different shapes and sizes.  But the last few pieces don't seem to last as long.  I have several pieces where the lids locking parts crack or are broken...has anyone else had that happen


Yes, I have a few "tripod" lids..mostly medium sized round ones...mine are all the original clear...

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Registered: ‎04-05-2017

I love my lock and lock. I have had one problem with one rectangular lid seeming to fit but not really fitting. Once I got it on I could not get it off without help. Does anyone know if QVC is going to offer dry cereal containers again.? I have given them as gifts and everyone wants more. Im trying to keep tack of which colors I sent to  which neice!!!!!!!

Valued Contributor
Posts: 665
Registered: ‎07-18-2010

I have been buying LocknLock for years.I love it! The reason I am writing is I don't think youall are aware of it but ,they will replace the broken lids.They have wonderful customer service.Over the years they have sent me several tops.I cannot say enough about the customer service they have.I will always buy LocknLock,Its a superior product.