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@kaity1965 wrote:

I love Lock and Lock and have a lot of pieces in different shapes and sizes.  But the last few pieces don't seem to last as long.  I have several pieces where the lids locking parts crack or are broken...has anyone else had that happen


I've had the same problem on occasion, also with the seal falling out (I can get it back in but it's annoying).... I have a large bowl with the top missing an entire locking part that broke off.  But the thing that bothers me the most is microwaving tomato sauce or spaghetti and the sauce "roughs up" the interior of the bowl, leaving it stained and very rough.  I use them anyway but since I end up throwing them out eventually, I've gone to a cheaper brand.... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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I have tons of L&L and have had remarkably good luck with the quality, considering that I don't expect plastic to live forever. I've had a couple crack, but that's about it.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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I had terrible luck with L&L.  It's just junk.  Cracked, and 1 time in the dishwasher (on the top shelf) and they warped.  L&L did replace, but I never bought anymore.  Went to Costco and replaced with good old rubbermaid and a special they had with glass containers.  Love the glass for tomato based foods. 

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suzyQ3 wrote:

I have tons of L&L and have had remarkably good luck with the quality, considering that I don't expect plastic to live forever. I've had a couple crack, but that's about it.


Hey Suz!  Same here.  Many of my pieces have been in pretty much constant use for over 10 years and, as long as I don't drop one out of the freezer (ugh!), they are in perfect condition.


I just kind of wish they would either stop recommending that people use them in the microwave or be honest about it - this type of plastic WILL pit and stain with microwave use, especially with certain types of foods.  It's just a fact of life.  


But they are not completely honest about it and people who are not aware of these facts will complain and be surprised.  I guess I can't really blame the consumers.  Not everybody has been around forever, like some of us, and just don't know about plastics and microwave use.


I have hundreds of pieces, some over 10 years old and some less than 6 months old, and can count on one hand the ones that have cracked or had tabs break off.    It's been a great quality and affordable product.   Sure, I worry about quality diminishing, as seems to happen, whenever it's a matter of a retailer like QVC selling tens of thousands of units in a one-day period or the like.   We see that happen with so many products  - they get the company to manufacture a zillion units and you just know that quality is going to suffer.  

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I have  Lock and Lock that goes back many years, and I have seen a decline in the quality of this product. And what is odd, is that when I pick up a piece now and then at TJ Maxx, it is thicker and heavier than any new things I get from Q. The plastic is thicker, the tabs more substantial, the seals much thicker, just much better made in general.


Some of the new large pieces I've gotten from Q are very flimsy, and the locking systems are very temperamental and don't want to align and lock without some fussing.


My old clear pieces are great, but a lot of the newer stuff I've purchased since they started offering colored lids, just aren't the same quality.


All this makes me wonder if some (or all) the sets at Q are being manufactured FOR Q and of lesser quality than the ones manufactured for general sales.

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For freezing purposes, there needs to be a big improvement.  I just bought the new set of ten one cup, I believe, and immediately filled quite a few and put them in the freezer.  The tops are slippery, especially when frozen, and invariably, they zoom out and onto the floor, breaking off tabs and or cracking the container, which is very upsetting, as I now have to toss the cracked containers and I have only had them for several weeks.  This never happened with Rubbermaid

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@mousiegirl wrote:

For freezing purposes, there needs to be a big improvement.  I just bought the new set of ten one cup, I believe, and immediately filled quite a few and put them in the freezer.  The tops are slippery, especially when frozen, and invariably, they zoom out and onto the floor, breaking off tabs and or cracking the container, which is very upsetting, as I now have to toss the cracked containers and I have only had them for several weeks.  This never happened with Rubbermaid

This really surprises me. I use L&L all the time in the freezer, and the only time I've ever had a problem was when I took one out and clumsily dropped it. Of course because it was so cold, it cracked.


I've never had any just zoom out, though.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Yes!  I have had the same problem and I got the phone number from QVC to call them and I have been calling and leaving messages for a month now and no one ever calls me back.  Very bad customer service!!


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I have been calling Lock and Lock for a month now and no one ever calls me back when I leave a message.  I got the phone number from QVC.  They can't be that busy not to call someone back within a month.  Bad customer service.

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 I too have been buying lock and lock for many years and have noticed that the quality is not what it used to be. The plastic seems thinner and it does seem to stain a lot easier than my older pieces.   My last order of the two-piece bulk storage bins were so different from my previous order.  The lids were warped and much thinner than my previous set.  


Question- will the spaghetti  lock and lock size be coming  back ?