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@Catch71  - Good for you for calling customer service!  I didn't think of that.  Glad they honored the price for you.  

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@Kachina624   I can take or leave JT - I do find her annoying most times, though - but the other night when she was on, I wanted to start counting how many times she said, "ME," "I," "MINE," or any reference to her daughters.  What grates on my nerves is all her personal references - it's unnecessarily excessive.  I think TPTB need to reel her in.

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@cjm61 I also think that in some cases they bring in a specific # at the price and when that lot sells out (and the price goes up) voila, there are now items available at the higher price.

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Registered: ‎07-23-2010

Re: Less Than Truthful

[ Edited ]

ha @Kachina624 oh yes, she never forgets anything and repeats things ad nauseum. I like to watch the shoe shopping shows but I have to mute it half the time so that I don't get annoyed.

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Registered: ‎10-11-2010

Re: Less Than Truthful

[ Edited ]

What shoe did Jane and Courtney help design??  tia


I didn't see that....


Edit to Add:   I found them

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Also, they tell you to hurry up and purchase as everything is being sold out, all the while you see everything green in all sizes in the box below.

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These is/are *yet another* (2) specific, important "Bugaboos" I have with QVC. 


1)  HSN, (+ my other my online Vendor purchases)  do not have *this kind* of sales, er, lets say "fudging,"

       (altho HSN is not perfect, by any means


2)  Neither does HSN (nor any of my online purchase Vendors) continually have a totally INEPT "Inventory Control" system.  And QVC gets worse, each yr, as long as their customers continue to accept this INEPTNESS.  Why exert themselves to change??

  (I know, I know, many Q Customers don't agree &/or do not want to hear this! )


So, for these ppl, I suggest *stop reading HERE:*


I *know* that when HSN says: "~Inventory Low" or "~only 2 left"  HSN MEANS IT! 

   I've paused, at this such "HSN alert," just moments, and *always* missed out on the item!   even for all subsequent days there after, on that item.!


Many times, I've purchased an HSN's  "~limited supply available,",  & rushed to not even run the HSN purchase thru my MrRebates, & thank goodness, I didnt lose the item, as I wld have.    Sure enough, it was indeed what HSN announced.  "~ only 2 left"

 (Note: This is esp true of SKINN cosmetic items)


HSN MEANS WHAT THEY SAY (with notice of limited Inventory)


HSN continually offer their Customers:

1)   "Non-fudging "Sales techniques  &

2)   Offer HSN Customers *Competant* (Real Time) "Inventory Control"


If HSN-sister can do these, Q can too!!

After YEARS, why cant you, QVC??


My answer  -->

--->  QVC doesnt want to!  <--- 


QVC prefers to "cut costs" by firing "docile, kind natured, "dont rock the boat," older PEOPLE Hosts," rather than invest in COMPETENT *IT functions* & *honest* Sales techniques.


Heaven knows, I havent been a "shrinking violet" sharing these specific issues with QVC, FOR YEARS!!


Q Buyers dont like this

  • Sales "fudging" &
  • cont'd "Inventory Control INCOMPETENCE"?

-->  There's ONE SIMPLE SOLUTION to (possibly) getting QVC's attention, & most all ppl know what that is!


"Nuff said!" 


To  "Q Buyers" --> "No shame!" 

         ->    I do me;   You do you!

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Posts: 70,504
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


@GinaV24 wrote:

ha @Kachina624 oh yes, she never forgets anything and repeats things ad nauseum. I like to watch the shoe shopping shows but I have to mute it half the time so that I don't get annoyed.

@GinaV24    I mostly watch QVC on mute with some nice music on my Bose. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
Posts: 70
Registered: ‎05-10-2010
I noticed this last week when I was gonna order a lug bag with jane brown. She said certain color was sold out and removed it from presentation. Half hr later I go online and was able to order it