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@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

Well, I guess now seeing the 1st show, QVC proves that they can put any two hosts together and it really doesn't matter if they complement each other or not.  This pairing offered no benefit whatsoever, in my opinion.  Just another show.



No one seemed to fight for camera time or the funniest comment (I'm thinking of a particular Saturday Morning show). 



It did point out how little this "QVC family" -- as the hosts are always calling themselves -- actually know each other, even basic things.  As mentioned already, the repartee between presentations seemed forced.  Shawn does have quick wit; Leah predominately just laughs at Shawn a lot. 



It wasn't a terrible show, I don't want to be too harsh about it. 



I know one thing though -- I wish Jayne Brown would sell her paintings that were used on set in the show!  I loved them!! 

I saw this paintings in the background, did they mention that they were Jayne’s? Missed that. I know she had said before she did painting classes with Gary Goben.

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Re: Leah and Shawn????

[ Edited ]

@wakefield64   Yes.  Leah stood by them so the camera got a good look.  She started by first complimenting Shawn's art, then said the ones she was standing next to on the wall were done by her friend Jayne Brown.  Shawn also complimented Jayne's art. 


Jayne is an artist (long before she took classes with Gary).  It was really nice to see them both painting together; they both had lovely artwork.  Jayne has lots of photos of her art on her FB page. 



She also did a portrait of Louis Dell'Olio's dear wife, after she passed.  It was wonderful and brought Louis to tears.  I'm not sure if that one is still on her page, but Louis had it on his own website for a while. 

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While Leah was presenting the Ryka TSV, there was a split screen, with Leah on the left, Shawn in the middle, and the Ryka rep on the right. Leah and the rep were talking about the product, and Shawn was sprawled out on a sofa, disinterested, and apparently texting someone on her cellphone. I said to myself, "What's up with this?!," and changed the channel... Woman Surprised

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Nope...not gonna drink the koolaid. Leah is a beautiful, classy, professional who I will watch and buy from anytime. She doesn't need a side-kick or co-host to be interesting and entertaining. Please stop this madness.

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@handygal2 wrote:

While Leah was presenting the Ryka TSV, there was a split screen, with Leah on the left, Shawn in the middle, and the Ryka rep on the right. Leah and the rep were talking about the product, and Shawn was sprawled out on a sofa, disinterested, and apparently texting someone on her cellphone. I said to myself, "What's up with this?!," and changed the channel... Woman Surprised

I saw that - or at least similar examples when they did the split screen.  I don't necessarily blame Shawn vs the producer or director.  It was superfluous to have the extra host on screen as they couldn't really add to the discussion other than to interrupt the discussion already in progress.  I actually felt sorry for Shawn once because she was stuck on screen doing nothing (and, trust me, I don't usually feel sorry for Shawn!)

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@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

@wakefield64   Yes.  Leah stood by them so the camera got a good look.  She started by first complimenting Shawn's art, then said the ones she was standing next to on the wall were done by her friend Jayne Brown.  Shawn also complimented Jayne's art. 


Jayne is an artist (long before she took classes with Gary).  It was really nice to see them both painting together; they both had lovely artwork.  Jayne has lots of photos of her art on her FB page. 



She also did a portrait of Louis Dell'Olio's dear wife, after she passed.  It was wonderful and brought Louis to tears.  I'm not sure if that one is still on her page, but Louis had it on his own website for a while. 

Thanks.....I will check Jayne’s Facebook page.

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Re: Leah and Shawn????

[ Edited ]

Too me it seemed like Leah wanted to get down to business to get products sold, meanwhile Shawn

asked social questions and discussed superfluous stuff with Leah ......Leah did answer Shawn's questions but the whole thing appeared forced and awkward....And when it was Shawn's turn to present products she seemed to "wing it".....


And once again something all of these co-hosted shows seem to have in common---the mandatory glass of wine ...  Maybe QVC is gearing up for another round of Shawn Saves Christmas where the wine also flowed....

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@handygal2 wrote:

While Leah was presenting the Ryka TSV, there was a split screen, with Leah on the left, Shawn in the middle, and the Ryka rep on the right. Leah and the rep were talking about the product, and Shawn was sprawled out on a sofa, disinterested, and apparently texting someone on her cellphone. I said to myself, "What's up with this?!," and changed the channel... Woman Surprised

I find it strange that she would be allowed to text someone while she's on television. 

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@Pecky wrote:

I watched one presentation of the Hunter McGrady's faux suede coat and there was no details given about it.  They both just talked about the concerts they went to and how much older Leah is than Shawn.  At one point both had the coat on and both said they didn't see the details on the sleeves. Neither of them were prepared. I agree with the others that this looked forced and not comfortable at all.

@Pecky- I didn't understand that "shtick" at all!! Why was Shawn singing Earth Wind and Fire songs? I lost them somewhere in that fluffy white fake fur. It was a cute white coat but sadly, not for me, not that I'm buying a winter coat this year anyway as I doubt if I'll be going outside very much, if at all, and I've got several coats I can wear if I do get out of my prison...ummm I mean HOUSE.


I'll confess that I had no clue who Shawn was. What happened to the way she used to look with her edgy haircut, streaky hair and weird clothes?

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Re: Leah and Shawn????

[ Edited ]

I didn't see any chemistry and it just seemed so fake.  I found it interesting that at the end of the show Shawn said to Leah that she hopes that she won't want to retire after doing this show together.  It sounded a little disrespectful to me.  Why would Leah want to retire?  I hope that Leah holds her own and doesn't act like she's Shawn's sidekick.  It just didn't work for me.