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Registered: ‎12-12-2014

LR is giving us a wonderful gift

If u go to her website she has many items at fifty percent off and if buy one hundred dollars u get 25 off. Btw all her pieces mix with your QVC purchases.
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Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

No S&H Green Stamps?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

Boy Lisa, you must have a sweet deal with QVC to allow your ads.  Do you source your products through QVC but get a cut?  I'd guess that's your marketing ploy. 

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Registered: ‎12-12-2014

Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

Its mutually beneficial as many of Lisa's pieces mix and match with your QVC purchases
Esteemed Contributor
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Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

I don't get it - we can't even mention WALMART without getting rubbed out - but this person can promote Lisa Robertson on a regular bases.

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Registered: ‎12-28-2011

Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

@Kachina624 You can have mine Green_Stamps.jpgWoman LOL

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Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

Surely there had to have been some sort of an agreement as part of her departure to allow this nonsense to continue for all these years.  She's a "has been". Let it go!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

50% off her dreck is still 45% too much 

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Registered: ‎10-09-2012

Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

@JONNYSBRO  Do you get paid from Lisa for these recent posts?  Actually, that's irrelevant.  You have been consistently trying to direct forum users to one specific retail site for that outsite site's profit.  Even though you don't put her link in your post, that still seems very much like soliciting to me.


Don't bother with the argument that other posters talk about other retail sites all the time.  Of course we do -- retail sites of interest can be discussed.  But your posts are different, your purpose here is to direct sales to one specific retailer (whether it's off her couch or not, it's still a business).  You are not just writing gush posts anymore.


I don't know why your posts are allowed.

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Posts: 33,020
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: LR is giving us a wonderful gift

The only way they allow this is if she has a deal cut with QVC.  She's just working from home now.  That has to be the answer.