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Re: Kitchen aid hostess

[ Edited ]

I think she is a perfect fit for KitchenAid. I think she knows her way around a kitchen and  speaks well and can be understood. Good luck to her!!

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I wish Laura a happy retirement too. I imagine she will be busier than ever and baking up a storm! I enjoyed the new rep the few times I have seen her. I didn't watch this weekend, nor do I need any kitchen appliances, so I can't speak to the recent presentations. It's always a challenge to take over from someone who is so closely associated with a product. 

QVC Social Team
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Registered: ‎06-14-2015

@grammalila wrote:

I really like the new lady that demonstrates Kitchen Aid but what happened to LAURA that was there for so many years?    If she retired. Wishing her happiness and good health.


Hello @grammalila - Here are a couple blogs you may enjoy reading;

The Winds of Change

Excited to Join the KitchenAid Team


Posts: 51
Registered: ‎08-01-2010

I loved Laura Wethers. She told everyone on air, earlier in the year that she had been on QVC for 20 plus years and wasn't going anywhere....then she was gone. Interesting that I am reading she retired, I called QVC to ask what happened and was told she needed time with her family. Miss her. Se was a home economist and knew her stuff. Wish she would come back.