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Katie McGee is kicking off the QVC2 Big Deal right now. She looks pretty. More importantly, she's so calm...and lets the vendor talk!
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She's one of the best!!! 

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I agree, Katie McGee is nice to watch.   Katie explains very well.



Posts: 24
Registered: ‎01-18-2019

Opinions vary, I had to turn her off because she never shut up. She comes off very phoney and scripted to me.

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@teacherd wrote:

Opinions vary, I had to turn her off because she never shut up. She comes off very phoney and scripted to me.

I have to disagree with you.  Educated as a thespian and later as an English major, I think she is the best at QVC.

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎04-01-2016

@bobby5  I agree...she's awesome!  I wish she would/could make more appearances on the main channel.  I like her hosting style but she seems like a neat person, too.  Her cat adoption stories on facebook are really sweet.

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I agree.....not sure what QVC was thinking putting her and Gabrielle over to Q2............but it seems lately that Q2 has the better hosts...............QVC itself these days seems to be the KL and JC show..........i am tuning in to Q2 much more often then QVC........

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I agree.  I enjoy watching Norman's mommy.  I also miss Gabrielle on AM Style on Q2.

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We customers like calm hosts so Katie is popular with us.  However, from management's viewpoint, I can understand that she's too calm.  Her voice is quiet and trails off at times, becoming so soft, I can't  hear her.   She needs to work on getting more expression in her voice.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Earlier tonight pre-ordered the silver choice. Thanks! Q perfect.