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Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

She mentioned the Super Bowl, then looked to the side and laughingly said something like, "Oh I'm not allowed to say that word - the 'S' word'"! and changed it to the "big game."


It was near the end of the midnight show. Just curious. Why couldn't she talk about the Super Bowl? TIA!

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

Because it's trademarked and the NFL wants royalties for the use of the term "super bowl" 

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

That is so ridiculous !  It took me awhile to figure out what 'The Big Game' was.


Thanks for taking time for asking and answering that question.

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

Correct.  Shawn also slipped and said the "S" word in her Accessories show, and immediately apologized for the slip.  

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

so in kitchen segments are royalties charged when they say "this is a super bowl" Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

OKWith easypay: I wondered about that.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

Really, NFL, really.  How could having a QVC host mention the Superbowl cost the NFL money.  Are those billionaire owners really that desperate?

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

@Tori3569 wrote:

Because it's trademarked and the NFL wants royalties for the use of the term "super bowl" 

I think they are tryng to trademark "the big game" also


NFL is a huge money-grabbing machine  IMHO  and I'm a football fan

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

@Mary Bailey wrote:

@Tori3569 wrote:

Because it's trademarked and the NFL wants royalties for the use of the term "super bowl" 

I think they are tryng to trademark "the big game" also


NFL is a huge money-grabbing machine  IMHO  and I'm a football fan

they need "the big game" trademarked? 

Bitch please judging you eye roll reaction gifs

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Re: Just wondering about something Antoinella said during the midnight TSV presentation

This is also the reason the hosts have to say"hook and loop closure" instead of saying Velcro.  I don't see how the can trademark everyday words like the big game?? I get the term"Super Bowl" but geesh enough is enough!!