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Every single thread in each of the forums is started because something stirred some poster somehow to write about it.  That's how forums work. 


Topics don't start themselves.  This topic is no more insignificant than hundreds of others which show up.......

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I think Jill is enjoyable. I enjoy watching her presentations, and she shares joy through her enjoyment of the joyful products she sells. I hope everyone is able to find joy in life.


Smiley Wink Smiley Happy Smiley Very Happy

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I think that the OP has every right to lodge a minor complaint. My only problem with this one in particular is that I don't see any obvious connection between the host enjoying saying "enjoyable" and someone else using that word. And to conclude that the host must like this other person is strange. But even if she does, so what?

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Funny, when a poster mentions something like this and I never noticed it before, it sometimes triggers me to pay attention.


For instance, one time a poster noted that Rick often repeats whatever the presenter just said, perhaps as a way of filling time.  When I next saw Rick I listened carefully, and Yup! He really does that!   

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Jill stop saying.....

[ Edited ]

@Kitty Galore



What I find amusing is that others dont like complaints about the hosts, YET its perfectly OK if they complain  about other posters who are just expressing an opinion.....Woman LOL Woman LOL  There are other threads available to read........

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Jill stop saying.....

[ Edited ]

@Carmie wrote:

@KKJ This is a message board, not the complaint dept.


The post was addressed to JIll who can't respond and probably doesn't read the boards.  So to whom Is the OP speaking to?


She might as well be talking to the wall...perhaps she should message Jill directly on her FB page.  




QVC reads these message boards....and a couple of the Moderators do pass on some of the suggestions and comments both positive or negative....Why do you think Qvc has a Forum??? To gather opinions on QVC from customers, and keep them engaged by offering other topics as well, cheaper than hiring a consulting firm to obtain customers' opinions about products/programming/hosts

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Are the hosts really necessary?  Why not just let 2 spokes people from the company do the show?  There wouldn't be any so called "stars", just people who know the products top to bottom.  There also wouldn't be any of this phoney baloney kissing!  When did that nonsense start?  

I watch a show only if it's a product I'm interested in, otherwise I shop online.  

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Posts: 19,138
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Jill stop saying.....

[ Edited ]

@Spurt  I have been a member of QVC forever and I have been on the message boards for years.


I have heard complaints about the host's mannerisms and the repetitious words they say and I have to admit, the hosts are still the same....nothing has changed.


As long as the hosts are not saying anything hurtful, immoral or indecent, they are not doing anything wrong.  Everyone has their own personality and that is what makes us each unique.


We need to be more accepting of people's speech patterns, accents and repetitious sayings.  If you wouldn't say something to a host on their Facebook account or to their face, it is best not to say it here either.


It's so easy to say unkind things when you can hide behind the electronic  screen.


And BTW, the majority of QVC shoppers are not on the message boards.  We who are here are only a very small percentage of QVC's customers and some people who post here admit to not buying QVC products.


As long as the hosts are making their quota and selling, QVC isn't gonna change a thing.  Why fix  what ain't broken?

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,622
Registered: ‎09-15-2016

How is this Jill's responsibility? This is a you problem & not a Jill problem. Good Luck changing your reaction to the word enjoyable, only you can choose not to make yourself nuts.

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Posts: 21,733
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Spurt wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

@KKJ This is a message board, not the complaint dept.


The post was addressed to JIll who can't respond and probably doesn't read the boards.  So to whom Is the OP speaking to?


She might as well be talking to the wall...perhaps she should message Jill directly on her FB page.  




QVC reads these message boards....and a couple of the Moderators do pass on some of the suggestions and comments both positive or negative....Why do think Qvc has a Forum??? To gather opinions on QVC from customers, and keep them engaged byoffering other topics as well, cheaper than hiring a consulting firm to obtain customers about products/programming/hosts

@Spurt, I think that they provide these forums for only one major reason: to increase sales. Someone posts about a product that they're interested in or have already purchased, and that results in other posters checking the item out. Keep customers talking about the merchandise -- free advertisement.


All the rest is just mindless chatter to TPTB.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland