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Last night when presenting the TSV, Jane kept talking about Jackie being behind the camera and that she got a promotion.


While I'm happy for her that she has a promotion, I will miss seeing her as a model




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@Houstonoilers   "Behind the camera" means behind the camera.  Probably a camera person, producer, or stage crew member.  That's why Jane specifically made that distinction when saying her name.


That's not Jaqui the model.  It's a different person.

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Since the models don't work for QVC,  there's no way they would be promoting them.


That's Jane blabbing when she should've kept her mouth shut.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I like Susan Graver's clothing and I like to watch the presentations.  BUT I am always disappointed when JT is hosting.  I can't watch her.  I buy when I watch, a lot of impulse buys I am ashamed to say.  I don't often go back and watch what I missed online.  JT is always talking about everything else and often fails to give the important details of what she is presenting.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead