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i really like his car products.  I'm not so sure he's comfortable being in studio - or maybe he is.  Just my observation,

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@Teddixat  In the past I only saw him with Dan Hughes, and he seemed very comfortable with him. Has Jay Leno been on recently? Who was hosting? Maybe he wasn't comfortable with the host.

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Jay mostly appeared on air with Dan Hughes. They became good friends. Jay encouraged Dan to return to stand up comedy. I think Jay is uncomfortable presenting with someone else.

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Does he really need to sell his car items, has he not enough money.

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@NicksmomESQ wrote:

Jay mostly appeared on air with Dan Hughes. They became good friends. Jay encouraged Dan to return to stand up comedy. I think Jay is uncomfortable presenting with someone else.

Jay is a big boy....I dont think he's ' uncomfortable' with a tv salesperson....

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Jay was on SMQ yesterday and presented with Alberti and Kerstin.  He also had some short "skits" with some of the other show's brand ambassadors as they showed him their products.  


He seemed very comfortable and at ease, as any true professional would be. 

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@Teddixat   I thought he made himself right at home and looked pretty comfortable sprawled out on that mattress.  How could he look more so?

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@goldensrbest wrote:

Does he really need to sell his car items, has he not enough money.

As somone who has a passion for cars, selling car products maybe something he enjoys and wants to do, nothing wrong with that in my opinion. 

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@goldensrbest wrote:

Does he really need to sell his car items, has he not enough money.

Just how much money is enough?  At what amount would you turn money down?


In regard to Jay specifically a little research into his charity work might enlighten you as to whether he has enough money.  All he does costs a lot.

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@goldensrbest Just who decides how much money is enough? I'd be interested in knowing who that is. And who cares how much money he makes?