Posts: 39
Registered: ‎09-29-2010

Item Information Please.....

I enjoy the presentations by Shawn and Amy, for e.g., with their styling suggestions.  But, rarely do they give the item number and total pricing without East Pay option.  In addition, Shawn rarely gives the length measurements which are really important.   I'm not always near a computer to look up this info.   Other hosts do not give the pricing - only the Easy Pay amounts and this is confusing.   Thank you for letting me make these observations in a positive manner.  I enjoy all of the hosts for varied reasons and I am a frequent QVC shopper.  

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Posts: 1,519
Registered: ‎08-13-2011

Re: Item Information Please.....

They only give the easy pay price because it's smaller, and there are people who will fall for that.  I have always thought the proper way for them to do that would be to give the full price, and then give the easy payment amount.  When they don't give the total price, it just screams to me, even QVC thinks the price is outrageous for that item.  The hosts you mentioned are more in to making their time on air all about them, rather than about the product they were hired to sell.  I don't care for either of their sad attempts at hosting.  That may be because I don't view QVC hosts as anything more than on air store clerks.

Posts: 77
Registered: ‎04-05-2010

Re: Item Information Please.....

For fashions, some hosts keep in mind that you only have so much time to present an item and you need to show the colors first, measurements and then the design features and how to wear the item.  Also giving the material content and care are important.  They have to also guide the vendors to keep them on task.  I feel it is the host's job to take the reins in a tactful manner when it comes to presentations, especially for very talkative vendors who want to start talking about all the design features and where you would wear that item to, etc. when they haven't even shown the colors of the item.  Please show the colors first then you can go back to the design features in detail and talk about how you would wear that item.  And for jewelry, could the hosts give the carat weights of at least the largest stone in a ring.  The hosts always did this years ago and I wish they would do that now.  I've been watching since QVC was CVN.