Posts: 33
Registered: ‎05-23-2013

Re: In the kitchen w diet…



I agree Jinlei.  It really is unfair what they have diminished Steve to being.  It's actually embarassing and difficult to watch.  He's much better than that and deserves the opportunity to take over all of David's food/kitchen shows. 


David should go back to whatever he was selling before he became their "kitchen and food" guy to ensure he is able maintain his new eating program and healthy lifestyle.  His lack of enthusiasm shows he is clearly not enjoying hosting these shows any longer and a change should be made.  Steve can handle it by himself just fine.  

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎06-28-2020

Re: In the kitchen w diet…

Watch out David! The pitchforks & torches are now out for you; less I get accused of exaggerating, several commenters in this very thread has said he needs to look for a new job🤦🏾‍♀️.

I'm am so thankful my employment doesn't depend on social media🙌🏾!
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Posts: 81
Registered: ‎06-14-2010

Re: In the kitchen w diet…

I actually like David, think he’s a good person and a good salesperson. But between the repeating his story about his journey and the fact that his chats are being used to sell products , it’s not enjoyable the way it used to be.

On ITKWD we hear “low carb low sugar” over and over and it seems even Lock and Lock container presentations become another opportunity to get into details about David’s meals and recipes, same with every food item he uses .

I understand being excited about weight loss . I lost over 50 lbs , but repeating the same story word for word on the video on QVC plus , on his shows , on the video with Kim Gravel and on every chat is very boring and it gets old .

I am happy he is healthier , but I hate to say it lately he looks like he’s eating more and gaining and talking about it all the time is not a great idea .

Also , if his low carb, low sugar , high protein, high fat diet is working for him , that’s great , but he shouldn’t act like he’s giving nutrition advice and recipes . People in his chats ask him for diet advice which is crazy ! He says his information came from the internet !

I personally was referred to a nutritionist and don’t exclude any food groups and saturated fat is not good for anyone’s heart in large quantities according to my nutritionist . This low fat low carb diet was popular when I was a teen in the 70’s and 80’s and it’s not good for everyone. , and it’s not easy to sustain .
Frequent Contributor
Posts: 122
Registered: ‎02-09-2013

Re: In the kitchen w diet…

The show jumped the shark when David had to watch Steve eat.  Please QVC, find a new host and NOT Steve!!!  (Shannon Smith is available).