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If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

If you find yourself not opening boxes as you just have so much stuff to catch up on and there never seems to be time. If you ever feel like you look at a pile of boxes and there is just too much QVC or HSN I have advice. Turn on the television series "Hoarders". Watch on demand several episodes. It seems like a constant is they order online a ton of stuff from QVC and HSN. Its such a turn off seeing this it broke me of almost all QVC shopping and a good 3/4 of my HSN shopping. That and I throw things out while watching it to avoid ever becoming a hoarder.  Just some advice from someone who could have easily slipped into that but didn't.

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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

Never let my shopping over take my home. PTSD not able to handle clutter. My needs are minimal. Apply this in all areas of my life.
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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

My Mom was a hoarder. After what we went through cleaning it up after she passed....I don't think I will ever come close to being one.

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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

I always clean a room when watching hoarders and use my eliptical while watching My 600 lb Life- no kidding!

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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

I think I'm a pack rat, but not a hoarder.  What I keep has to fit somewhere and if it's not decorative, it has to fit in existing closets, cabinets, or drawers.  I like space around me.



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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.


@queendiva wrote:

I always clean a room when watching hoarders and use my eliptical while watching My 600 lb Life- no kidding!

Great shows to watch, @queendiva: Like a kick in the pants. Smiley Happy

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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

@febe1 wrote:


@queendiva wrote:

I always clean a room when watching hoarders and use my eliptical while watching My 600 lb Life- no kidding!

Great shows to watch, @queendiva: Like a kick in the pants. Smiley Happy



 yes watching my 600 pound life is the best diet  and appetite control there is! 

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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

I did "curtail" my Q spending once the new shipping prices were enacted last year (if an item did not fit, it cost me $10).   I only buy LTS, and if it is a clothing article, it is something I already have and know it fits.   Perhaps this is what it took for me to stop--I now "shop my closet" as the GILI girl mentions periodically.  Thanks Jill~!


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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

I do the same thing, I watch and then toss and clean like 

a maniac. I believe it curbs my hoarding tendencies.

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Re: If you ever want to reign in your Q or HSN spending habits.

[ Edited ]

If I buy an article of clothing, I put a piece in the goodwill  bag. Same for whatever I,m replacing in the house