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Something verrrrrrry unusual happened.  I returned an item to Q via priority mail. They received it Monday afternoon Jan 6.  I received an email this morning, Jan 8, saying they had processed my return.  They have never ever processed a return that fast.  I'm still very skeptical, but maybe, just maybe, they are fixing their handling of returns.   

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In the last several months, all items I have returned have been received and processed by QVC very quickly.  Some in a matter of days, like yours.


I have to admit that the first time this happened I was "in shock" like you, @CalminHeart !  A good thing, for a change! 👍🙂

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I have had that happen when shipping priorty.  It takes forever if using their label.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
When I return “my way” via UPS they are usually processed within a week. Sometimes it takes a bit longer for my return money to hit my bank account though. Don’t care for Mail Innovations at all.
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I returned an item 12/30, got an e-mail almost immediately that my return was on its way and as of today, nothing.  I've tried to track my return and it only shows the original shipping to me.