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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

@KKJ wrote:

@Pearlee Not necessarily.  I see what you're saying, but I think it goes back to what we are interested in shopping for. Of course we aren't "forced to watch QVC" as you say, but many of us--including myself--like shopping here and want to see more of what we like. For example, I've complained in the past about the excessive CIJ and nonstop XMAS shows each year, but some enjoy them, though I do not. It's not a matter of me forced to watch it, it's just me expressing what I prefer to see. And again, being this is a Q forum, it is allowed for us to say what shows we like and those we don't like so much.

@KKJ  Well of course it is allowed, just as I'm allowed to express how the OP came across to me in the way she expressed her opinion. And while you and she may not want to see all those hours of food shows apparently enough people do or it wouldn't be profitable for QVC to air that many hours of it.

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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

I actually like the food shows.  Never said I didn't, just that we all have dif. interests as far as what shows we like and don't like.

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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

How many complaints about programming, items and hosts can one take?


Woman Frustrated

Thats the purpose of these Forums to provide QVC with opinions, suggestions, and initiate discussions---within the Community Standards & Guidelines....



Per QVC website--QVC strives to continually improve your experience with QVC and appreciate your suggestions.

@Spurt  They may appreciate suggestions but I don't see them following any. 



Ive seen some---Here's a few for example:


There were many comments along with complaints on the Forum about certain hosts being paired with Valerie Parr Hill and folks saying that they preferred Jayne Brown or Rick with Valerie Parr Hill...because other hosts were not letting Valerie speak or share her ideas---  And everyone has noticed that now Jayne B and Rick have been on more with Valerie in her prime time shows....


People complained that Carolyn's clothes were too tight...Carolyn said on air she heard about the comments and would try a larger size and also her regular size to compare and see which looked best...and would wear that one on the air.


Numerous product changes that were mentioned on air that these suggestions came from QVC customers....


Ive seen Mods say they would forward some of the feedback and suggestions on the Forum to the appropriate Department....


Now we all know, realistically that QVC isnt going to implement every suggestion, maybe just a few, but some of our ideas have been heard. 


And why would QVC put up a banner on the website to comment on the shipping issues if they hadn't heard the complaints....


Why does QVC send out Surveys---a waste of time and money if they didnt take it to heart.... (interesting story about the survey on Antonella that surfaced on these Forums and Antonella confirmed with QVC the survey was legit)....and we know what happened to Antonella.....


And why would QVC even have a Suggestion Box in the Forum if the ideas would not be read or looked at by QVC....


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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

Come on now.....the OP just wanted to make a point. No need to make snarky comments. That's just not cool. She said she noticed there was a lot of gourmet holiday shows. I noticed the same thing, and thought what are all these food shows doing? There's no holiday coming up. How many people really buy their food? Still, it's her opinion, and no need to jump on her. We are ALL entitled to our opinions. It's called a FORUM. 

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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

@Effie54 wrote:

Come on now.....the OP just wanted to make a point. No need to make snarky comments. That's just not cool. She said she noticed there was a lot of gourmet holiday shows. I noticed the same thing, and thought what are all these food shows doing? There's no holiday coming up. How many people really buy their food? Still, it's her opinion, and no need to jump on her. We are ALL entitled to our opinions. It's called a FORUM. 

@Effie54  Right. We are ALL entitled to our opinions.

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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

@Effie54 wrote:

Come on now.....the OP just wanted to make a point. No need to make snarky comments. That's just not cool. She said she noticed there was a lot of gourmet holiday shows. I noticed the same thing, and thought what are all these food shows doing? There's no holiday coming up. How many people really buy their food? Still, it's her opinion, and no need to jump on her. We are ALL entitled to our opinions. It's called a FORUM. 




Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

@Spurt wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

How many complaints about programming, items and hosts can one take?


Woman Frustrated

Thats the purpose of these Forums to provide QVC with opinions, suggestions, and initiate discussions---within the Community Standards & Guidelines....



Per QVC website--QVC strives to continually improve your experience with QVC and appreciate your suggestions.

@Spurt  They may appreciate suggestions but I don't see them following any. 



Ive seen some---Here's a few for example:


There were many comments along with complaints on the Forum about certain hosts being paired with Valerie Parr Hill and folks saying that they preferred Jayne Brown or Rick with Valerie Parr Hill...because other hosts were not letting Valerie speak or share her ideas---  And everyone has noticed that now Jayne B and Rick have been on more with Valerie in her prime time shows....


People complained that Carolyn's clothes were too tight...Carolyn said on air she heard about the comments and would try a larger size and also her regular size to compare and see which looked best...and would wear that one on the air.


Numerous product changes that were mentioned on air that these suggestions came from QVC customers....


Ive seen Mods say they would forward some of the feedback and suggestions on the Forum to the appropriate Department....


Now we all know, realistically that QVC isnt going to implement every suggestion, maybe just a few, but some of our ideas have been heard. 


And why would QVC put up a banner on the website to comment on the shipping issues if they hadn't heard the complaints....


Why does QVC send out Surveys---a waste of time and money if they didnt take it to heart.... (interesting story about the survey on Antonella that surfaced on these Forums and Antonella confirmed with QVC the survey was legit)....and we know what happened to Antonella.....


And why would QVC even have a Suggestion Box in the Forum if the ideas would not be read or looked at by QVC....


@Spurt  Of course you are right. 100%. I don't know what I was thinking. Obviously I wasn't. 

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ThereeRe: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

There are at least two times I can think of when QVC listened to viewers. 


Their last graphics "update" was horrible! Everything was flush left, including the size\color chart used for clothing and shoes. The font size was so tiny! I checked out ITKWD on Facebook, and there were tons of comments. Not long after, the network went back to the old graphics (except for the Q logo).


More recently, ITKWD has tweaked  the Wednesday edition of ITKWD (lots of mixed feelings on that one). David was not wearing his signature apron, to the dismay of many fans. The following Wednesday, the apron was back!


So, change can happen, but I imagine that any changes they make would be to things that significantly affect their profits. A few people don't like a particular hosts,  or think there's too many food shows, or too much Christmas in July (love CIJ). That's unfortunate, but apparently these complaints don't have a big enough impact on who, or what, is selling. They are a business.



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Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

[ Edited ]

With the prices they charge for food I imagine they are making tons of money. When I see 60-80 dollars for chicken or croissants I just about faint.

I used to order food but most have not lived up to the hipe and I don't anymore.

I remember paying about 30.00 for bread pudding many years ago and that was high. Not anymore!

I mean 70-80 for a cake! Yikes. I'll make one at home.

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Registered: ‎07-23-2010

Re: How much Holiday Gourmet can One Take?

LOL @Picky Lady I hear you. I go days without watching QVC because I am not interested in their programming.


I only watch when there is something on that interests me. This kind of goes along with the seemingly endless presentations of whatever the TSV happens to be. I watch once, then I'm done.