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When Monifa first started I didn't think she was very good but she has become one of my favorites! Not silly, and she knows when to not talk. I also enjoy Sandra, Vanessa, Leah, Shawn, Jane B, David, and the rest can go
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My favorites are Mary Beth, Leah, Alberti and Rick. Also Carolyn, but look what happened to her. Fired for being good at her job, so unfair.

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I was thinking about this awhile back of the ones that left during "my time" here.





Dan W.








Thats all I can remember as far as longer standing hosts.  I don't remember Kathy or Lisa M.

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Enjoyed Monifa with Gary today.  

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She's okay though I haven't seen her on air very much.  She was helping Jen Coffey with her accersories shows on Friday afternoons for awhile and I thought she did a nice job.  I have not seen it though in the last couple of weeks so I am not sure if that's still the case.

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They moved her into Social Secretary duties for Alberti and Rachel on Gourmet Holiday. 


Not a good sign, in my opinion. 

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Of the newer hosts;  I like the way Rosina, Vanessa and Steve host shows. Not feeling Nancy, Monifa and Stacey's on air personalities.


I didn't enjoy Rosina's shows at first. I feel she has really improved since she started.

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Good to know. I will have to give her another shot, although, I have my doubts. I was just bored out of my mind watching her. And, I don't just sit and watch QVC, it's just on in the background while I'm running around getting stuff done. Yet, she was so boring I switched channels.


If she does come on while I'm watching one day, I'll give her another shot. 

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@KBEANS wrote:

Of the newer hosts;  I like the way Rosina, Vanessa and Steve host shows. Not feeling Nancy, Monifa and Stacey's on air personalities.


I didn't enjoy Rosina's shows at first. I feel she has really improved since she started.

Sadly i don't think any of those six newbies are impressive.................Monifa  today w/Gary kept interrupting him and Rosina is a constant train wreck.

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Besides Jane T. the other host I will not watch under any circumsances is Rosina.  I find her very "hard".  I don't know what it is but she comes across as too rough.  Maybe it is her voice, but I never, ever watch when she is on.