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@Tatanoo46  I have some swamp land for sale in Florida.

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There's nothing wrong for calling out a sales rep for being disingenuous.

Here's what I see gets the Q in trouble....they, their hosts, spend way too much time chattering. I like this, I love that it this is my favorite. It's called influence. I agree with one comment that said they stretch truth. They manipulate information bc it IS all about sales. Don't fool yourselves. If these hosts don't produce ..they'd disappear and they solely bank on loyalty of viewers. The ones that watch THEM.

I had to chuckle at the Q thanks their viewers at the end of the year. Uo close and heartfelt. Well, they were thanking viewers, WHOM they love for their JOBS lol.

I think fir the most part, they are all guilty of saying statements that were better not said, but lying is compelling when it comes to sales $$$$$.


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They could still be her favorite and she does not eat them anymore if she is gluten free.

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@loriqvc wrote:

@jackthebear - She still talks about this health issue in her shows. That doesn't mean it's anyone else's business how she chooses to eat or take care of herself.

then she should not be talking about it,



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Why do u care?Geez  Move on !!

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I think hosts are there to sell whether they like or use the product.

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@jackthebear wrote:

@loriqvc wrote:

@jackthebear - She still talks about this health issue in her shows. That doesn't mean it's anyone else's business how she chooses to eat or take care of herself.

then she should not be talking about it,



You nailed this one @jackthebear   Once she opened the door talking about her health it’s open for discussion.

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Registered: ‎05-24-2010

Hang in there @Tatanoo46 . Some of the replies are just plain mean and ridiculous.


Plus, I agree with you. The hosts pretending to own everything and buy everything is outrageous. I know it’s a sales ploy, but lets get some new material for 2024.    

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Registered: ‎02-06-2022
I don’t think it’s easy being a QVC host. I wouldn’t want to be judged constantly by others. Remember nobody's perfect. If you think you are you are in denial.
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It's so easy to make your own crab cakes. You can then control whatever and how much of whatever you put into them. So easy, Bumblebee brand sells great lump crab in cans. I just made crab cakes for us a couple of days ago, they were delicious! You certainly don't need to add gluten to them to hold together. You also don't need to coat them in gluten prior to putting them in a buttered pan to cook.