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Watched her in a show for Or Paz jewelry the other night.  She and Danny from them were great together.


Gabrielle looked absolutely gorgeous.  She had a high ponytail, so her hair was pulled back all the way.  She had sort of a red lipstick, something dark.  She wore a black, sleeveless, leather dress.  At least I think it was a dress, as she was seated.


She just gets prettier in my book!




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@hyacinth003, I did not see the show live but I've been looking at an item video where she and Danny are presenting together. I totally agree with everything you've said. Lovely woman, and lovely QVC host. 

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She is an excellent host.  She is gracious to the vendors at all times.  I appreciate that in her.

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I don't think I've ever seen her host a show where she said or did something to offend me. I think she actually thinks before she speaks, instead of just spewing out nonsense to take up time. I saw that show and enjoyed it.

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Love Gabrielle; she's a naturally great host. No matter what she's selling, she does it well. I remember when she first came, and she was good from the get go.

And pretty as a picture. She has a lovely figure and just seems to know what her job is and does it sans any self promotion.

Does anyone know who mentored her?


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Agreed! She is smart, warm, congenial with guests, informative and a lovely host. I always watch her shows.

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Enjoy Gabrielle very much, she is ,

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She is pleasant, calm, articulate, doesn't interrupt the vendor and she's always fashionably dressed.....I don't understand why QVC doesn't utilize her more in prime timefashion shows...

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@Spurt wrote:

She is pleasant, calm, articulate, doesn't interrupt the vendor and she's always fashionably dressed.....I don't understand why QVC doesn't utilize her more in prime timefashion shows...

She might choose her hours, @Spurt, b/c of the children. I think Alberti chooses his hours, also. They're both very good. With Gabrielle, I think these are her "nesting" years. Alberti might just have another entire career going on.