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Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

Flicking channels came across "Joy live from her home" on HSN

all those huggable hangers and more certainly made her a millionaire!

Her home "estate" is beautiful.



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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

In all the years she need as on HSN I never could watch more than a few moments of her. Annoying voice!

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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

I'm so confused about that whole show idea. Was she so bored that she wanted to sign on as a show host? I watched last week and thought she would be showcasing her own items but they were random HSN items. 

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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

She just seems so greedy to me.  I would never buy a product from her again.  I bought cheater glasses from her a few years ago and they were awful  Sent them back.  Bought a blow dryer and it would only work if you kept your finger on the button.  Sent that back too.  Apparently she sells... that house/estate is over the top.

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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

Is that the same mansion she's had on air before? ...or did she buy a new one?

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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)



I don't know (I could never watch her because she's like a "carnival barker" as my dad would say).  I just happened to flick the channel on and it was the opening of the show.


I was surprised just a table with products to sell.  I didn't watch very long...



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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

OMG - I was just thinking what if Joy and Susan Graver would host a show together?  Holly cow - can you even imagine the noise factor?

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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

She EARNED it.    Amen.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

I really like Joy Mangano.  I read her book "Inventing Joy" and I have to say I really enjoyed it.  Her story is quite interesting.  While she may be a bit hyper and a bit loud, I respect her and how hard she has worked her entire life.   You don't get far by being quiet and sitting on your *ss!!     Anything she has, she has worked for.

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Re: Holy Crow — Joy Mangano’s estate (on HSN)

It is one huge house, i watched for 10 minutes,if that just silly,made no sense to me.

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