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Does anyone pay attention to the number of posts someone has made on the forums? It seems that some really ugly comments are made by people who have had only one post, even when they say they're long-time viewers. Are there so many unhappy people out there who feel a need to make unkind comments? I am guilty of not being so nice with my comments if it's something/someone that bothers me but I don't come here just to be mean. Usually if I read a new thread made by someone with only 1 comment under their belts, I just skip over them. Haha, I probably have too much time on my hands!

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KRe: Forum Posts

[ Edited ]

We are all new here once. I don't care if it's their 1st or 110k's post. It's the content that matters to me. 

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Re: KRe: Forum Posts

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I do not surveil other Posters as to how many times  they have posted nor how many times they respond nor any personal info that they may share in their posts .

On the other hand there are posters on this board who through their responses have disclosed they do  monitor other posters .

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@Carolina925  If the post seems strange or mean I look to see how many posts the person has made; and it they are new to the Forums, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Every once in a while, the post seems VERY familiar. Then I figure someone has changed identity or has several identities using different accounts.

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Re: Forum Posts

[ Edited ]

@Carolina925   I noticed that recently, usually don't pay much attention.  If someone is bashing a host (no matter how many times they have posted),  I just don't respond and move on.  

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What difference does it make? This is a discussion board, so 1 post, or 100 posts it doesn't make a difference. I say stop worrying about what other people post, and concentrate on yourself. 

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I really don't notice much....however I do of course recognize many familiar names.

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I know I watched QVC for many years before I posted here. Posters opinions shouldn't  be criticized just because they are new. Have you read some of the delightful posts from longtime members ? 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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@Carolina925   Once in a while I look at my own number.  Sometimes that number tells me to take a break for a few days.