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Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

It was great to see him again!  In case you missed him, the video is up already:

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Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

To have him back in any capacity is definitely a plus. Let's hope he gets back full-time!

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Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

I always liked him as a host!  Nice to see him back as a vendor!

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Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

@ValuSkr: Thanks for posting the video. I didn't watch QVC back in the day, so I wasn't familiar with Dave James. After watching the video, I can see why so many have nothing but good things to say about him.  

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Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

Wish he were back as a host. Loved the calmness.
Posts: 72
Registered: ‎02-11-2013

Re: Former QVC Host David James is Back!

I missed Dave James' segment with Carolyn Gracie...darn. I liked his presentation demeanor-calm, knowledgeable, kind. I could not remember what he looked like until you posted his photo--many thanks. It was great seeing him back on the Q.

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Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

Omg I love Dave James! They've got to bring him back as a host!
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Registered: ‎12-28-2014

Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

I missed it, but watched the video he was a fantastic host I watched alot more Q then. I believe he left to pursue his first love photography, I remember so many things about him a loving family man, he shared his weight loss with us back then the Q was selling I think it was the P90X exercise program he did that, presented it. I also remember he did this 24 hours on air for some reason.

Just a kind, funny, and bright man. I wish he would come back the Q needs more male host.
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Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

I believe he was let go, he didn't go on his own. I remember the day. He was a very good host. I felt so badly the way he was treated, he was hurt when he left, I strongly doubt he will return hosting.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Former QVC Host Dave James is Back!

@ValuSkr , thanks for the video, it was so nice to see him on with his buddy Carolyn, I always really liked Dave and am happy to see him back in the fold.


I remember when he, Carolyn and Antonette were hired, that was a great day for Q watchers!