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It seems like the Q has become a grocery store! I will pass. Please find new products, I am losing interest quickly.
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@chacha96 These shows are some of my favorites. I enjoy watching the food being offered. Sometimes I purchase, sometimes I just get ideas on recipes I may try myself. 


I just received, about 15 minutes ago, an order of chicken and Cheryl's cookies, both from QVC. 


QVC offers many different types of shows, from electronics to gardening to apparel to food, etc. This is fine with me, I only wish they would just present items for 10 minutes max and move on to another item so they can offer different and unique items. 

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Wasn't 7 minutes the time allotment for presentations in the past? I don't think I grabbed that number out of the air. There are a lot of random facts floating around in my brain,  but I am certain that seven minutes per item was the rule. Producers would have hosts move on to the next item, sometimes rather abruptly.

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I sometimes watch, but seldom buy anything....

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I think QVC does well with this category because it's consumable.  People will buy it more than once.  Looking at my auto ships, everything is cosmestics and food.

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Most of the food on QVC is processed food, high in sugar, fat and salt.   I don't buy it or watch the presentations.


Thankfully, my TV has more than one channel and I have reading material to occupy my time.


I don't mind if they sell it or anyone buys it.  I think it sells well or they would not offer it so often. They offer something for just about everyone.

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@chacha96 wrote:
It seems like the Q has become a grocery store! I will pass. Please find new products, I am losing interest quickly.

I agree-- and Saturday is another ALL DAY garden show and Sunday is ALL day kithen/ interest at all for me, but I am sure others will enjoy.

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If something is unique, or truly tempting, I will buy food products. However, I can often find similar items locally for a smaller cost. 

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I only buy Cheryl's Cookies. The Easter collection is in my freezer right now. Woman Happy

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Food shows are mostly fun to watch but I never buy anything. Go figure!