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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

Well, let's ax the English professor tomorrow, since "ax" is a real word in the dictionary.

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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!


Is 'Conversate' a Real Word? Although scorned by many, conversate has been in regular use for almost 200 years

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

Conversate has bugged me for years, as well "ax" !!! But my biggest pet peeve is  IRREGARDLESS. There is no such word and I hear well educated people use it and I want to say "where did you go to school?"


My Dad used to say chimley. I'm not sure if these are examples of schooling, culture, generational phrasing etc. It's interesting that certain words or phrases bother some and others not so much.

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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

It's a little much when on the LOGO show, Amy calls Lori, Lor, and Lori calls Amy Ame. Ame calls Jackie the model Jax. I guess that's why Ame named Bri, Bri. She didn't have to shorten it.

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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

I totally agree with the OP and others who don't like the butchery of the English language.


However, I KNEW what some of the other comments would be!



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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

@Texussgal wrote:

Thank you for your post.  It is probably something we are all thinking, but do not say.  I am a product of schools that put the emphasis on the 3 R's.  Apparently that is not the case anymore.  I am all for technology, but not when it ignores the basics.  I have 2 small granddaughters and I fear that their educational needs will not be met if they have to rely totally on technology.  Thank goodness my daughter (their mother) reads and she has passed this love on to them.  More often than not, they are reading rather than watching television or playing electronic games.  Not sure they even have that luxury.  They do use Kindles to read with, but as long as they are reading, I think that method is all right!!!

Keep those kids reading!  Exercises the brain in totally different ways.  Same thing with doing math rather than using a calculator in lower grades.


I would also think since hosts are PUBLIC SPEAKERS, they should do the language right!



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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

@sueeich wrote:

Unfortuantely, this a reflection of our government run school system.  We are graduating kids who can't write and spell correctly and then they wonder why they can't find a decent paying job when they graduate from college.  I feel like our whole society has become lazy.  We dress lazy, we speak lazy, we write lazy.  I think technology is really beginning to take over our lives and not in a good way.


It's becoming a bad habit to blame the evils of the world on the young.  

Read through a normal day of posting on these boards and you will find many examples of atrocious grammar and spelling and no concept of sentence structure.


I am quite certain the demographic on these boards is many years older than the "kids" you feel are so uneducated.  The technology you so bemoan was certainly not in existence when the average poster on these boards went to school. So what happened to them?

~Enough is enough~
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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

@hyacinth003 wrote:

I totally agree with the OP and others who don't like the butchery of the English language.


However, I KNEW what some of the other comments would be!



That's funny because so did I. I knew that some would easily fit in the "We're all going to heck in a handbasket" category.


~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

@hyacinth003 wrote:

I totally agree with the OP and others who don't like the butchery of the English language.


However, I KNEW what some of the other comments would be!



Oh, @hyacinth003 I totally expected the other comments.   But are you sure it's KNEW and not NEW????  I'm joking for those of you who don't get it.

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Re: English Language...STOP!!!!

@blackhole99 wrote:

  Don't blame the program, blame the guy who wrote the program. My son the millenial, would say I'm being too old school and to get with it and why does it matter if it makes things easier for people.LOL I can only imagine what our language will look and sound like in 20 years.

@blackhole99 You are spot on.  I am a high school teacher and I am shocked to see how twisted our language has become.  The students have no desire to learn proper grammar or compostion.  They don't see any relevance in their lives for knowing such information.  Due to this, I think what we are seeing in industry now is only the beginning.  As more of these students graduate from high school AND college...this will become more common.