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I was so bummed when I saw that Alberti was subbing for David tonight. Then low and behold I turned it in and there was Carolyn. Made my day. I was so happy as I really like this show, but with Alberti over emoting I knew I would have to forgo watching.

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Just the opposite for me - saw Carolyn and switched the channel.

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@tl98466 wrote:

Just the opposite for me - saw Carolyn and switched the channel.


" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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I don't watch either one of them.

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Same here.....I don't find her credible. She seems to buy multiples of everything she is selling.

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I would tune in for Alberti instead of it’s intended host.
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I like Carolyn she's one of my favorite hosts...she is always prepared and gives lots of details about the products....she's pleasant and has a nice voice too...


What I can't understand is every time I turn the "Down Home" show on they ALWAYS seem to show the SAME things....  That battery storage case is probably going to surpass the Flashpad as most repeated product...🙄 And yes I turned the channel......

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@Spurt wrote:

I like Carolyn she's one of my favorite hosts...she is always prepared and gives lots of details about the products....she's pleasant and has a nice voice too...


What I can't understand is every time I turn the "Down Home" show on they ALWAYS seem to show the SAME things....  That battery storage case is probably going to surpass the Flashpad as most repeated product...🙄 And yes I turned the channel......


@Spurt  WAIT... what about those ever-present Good Earth lights?! Smiley Very Happy The only reason they were "new" last night is because they undeniably had to redesign them because the early versions were terrible!  I had them, and the battery life was less than 3 days before you had to recharge again.  They were even on motion sensor under my cabinet (and I live alone), so they were barely on.

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@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

I like Carolyn she's one of my favorite hosts...she is always prepared and gives lots of details about the products....she's pleasant and has a nice voice too...


What I can't understand is every time I turn the "Down Home" show on they ALWAYS seem to show the SAME things....  That battery storage case is probably going to surpass the Flashpad as most repeated product...🙄 And yes I turned the channel......


@Spurt  WAIT... what about those ever-present Good Earth lights?! Smiley Very Happy The only reason they were "new" last night is because they undeniably had to redesign them because the early versions were terrible!  I had them, and the battery life was less than 3 days before you had to recharge again.  They were even on motion sensor under my cabinet (and I live alone), so they were barely on.

@Caaareful Shopper 


Yep, its a close race between the battery case and the Good Earth Lights and also the electronic charger too....LOL

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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When Alberti first came to the Q he was wonderful.  Now he's just like all the other hyperbolic, slicksters that make me change the channel. The Q management must be at the root of the problem.