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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Yes, definitely less...prices are ridiculous and I'm sick of paying all that shipping for each item.  Also, delivery takes much too long.  

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I don't watch. It's VERY self indulgent, the customer is just along for the ride.  It's far too Slappy Happy, over dramatic, and "look at me".  I don't see it as professional and a real credit racket.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Yes.  I enjoy HSN and I enjoy their products.  Prices are better and they have a nice variety.  Hosts are professional and I enjoy watching.  

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I watch less for a few reasons--

I now work from from home and no longer need as many clothes 

We moved to a Beach Community and the dress is super casual so I have been donating everything that no longer fits in to my life style.

The prices have gotten so high 

I already have plenty of everything so I try and only purchase things that really appeal to me, are different, and I know I will wear comfort is a priority in everything I now purchase.

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎03-03-2023

Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

We watch far far less, mostly just poke in during commercial breaks.


The products are no longer very interesting and often just too repetitive. How many times do we need to see can openers, vacuums, Temptations etc. presented. And as others have said, we do not need to have a 20-30 minute presentation on Today's Special Value all the time.


Prices have skyrocketed especially on the food they choose. $199 for two steaks? If I am buying a $100 steak it will either be fresh at a prime meat market, or at a restaurant where it has been expertly cooked for me.


But, overall its the hosts and some of the vendor reps that have made it less interesting to tune into. Jane, David etc need to think about retiring. Thank goodness many of the new cohosts are actually quite good. They could teach Jane and David a thing or two, or remind them of how a good host should act. The phoney comical act is tired.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

[ Edited ]

MUCH less.....the TSV's are uninspriing same ole same ole.....the prices are ridiculous compared to other places, the infantile hosts?

Won't go there....except to say the ONLY reason I tune in to ITKWD is to watch for DV's  expresiion of stultifying boredome, barely hidden "anger' faces as he watches the vendor drone on for the 10.000 time about a sponge, a can opener, or anyTemptations piece of crack-ware...


O yeah....and for the "





What everyone wants'

where it's at.

10000 sold this show

Red will sell out

It comes in ( not enough space to list all the made up colors....!!!0


That IS funny to watch!!!


The hosts are getting louder and more boorish as time goes on.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

 Usually go online when I think there's something I might be interested in.


I find the clothing the same from one line to another.  How many printed tops and jeans can you buy?


Someone mentioned they now enjoy HSN, so do I.  My go to used to be QVC, now I like HSN.


However, my favorite place to shop nowadays it's Chico's and WHBM!

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

[ Edited ]

@Kathyfobo wrote:

Yes because they do not describe the products well etc. They only talk about themselves and how many items they have purchased. Jane, Kerstin, Jennifer and Shawn ARE THE WORST!

I agree with you and your Worst Hosts, I'll add: Sandra, Rosina, Amy, Julia, Mary, Rachel -  Hum, do I like any of them? Not so much.

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Registered: ‎06-13-2010

Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I watch less because I have most of the things I feel I need for now, and fewer must-haves!! I suppose I am much more content these days.🥰 I tune in regularly to specific vendors like Ms. Valerie Parhill, and enjoy shopping her shows❤



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Registered: ‎07-12-2011

Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

[ Edited ]

Sometimes I have it on in the background if there is nothing else on that I watch. I DVR some shows too.