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Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I just posted on another thread about hosts and thought I would start a thread.  I don't watch much QVC because the selection of products is less interesting and the hosts seem to be trying to win a popularity contest instead of making it about the products.   I used to buy things a lot on QVC because they had unique things I could not find elsewhere.  Now I can and do at less.  The hosts used to be more professional and less self absorbed.  I watch HSN from time to time and they definitely are more serious about the products and professional.  It used to be the opposite.  Qvc used to have the most polish.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I rarely ever watch QVC.  I quit years ago because I started shopping online at other retailers that offered great sales and free shipping.  I learned that I could almost always get a better price elsewhere and even if the price was the same, I could get free shipping.

I tune in from time to time, but I rarely purchase.  Maybe once or twice per year.  I got the set of 4  philosophy shower gels that was offered not too long ago.   I look at items mentioned here on the forums, or check to see what a host is wearing if it is mentioned here but I never watch for long.  


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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I very rarely watch Q. The products are the same old, same old, or a variation of, week after week after week.


Patterns on fabrics are often gawdy. For me, polyester (ie: liquid knit) is like wearing a plastic bag. My body temp hasn't gone down since menopause so too much polyester is a definite no for me. 


Shipping and return costs are higher than I pay at any other retailer. Most retailers I use offer free shipping, free returns, and can still ship ten times faster than Q. 


Quality gold jewelry is too expensive for me. I don't like jewelry that is thin and easily broken. I can't wear silver because it makes my skin bleed.


I'm old but not dead. Q's clothes don't meet my needs. I prefer more classic lines, natural fabrics, no-iron, less spandex, etc.


I can almost always find things for less money and free shipping/returns at other retailers' websites.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I rarely do mail order any more. I prefer to walk into a store to inspect any item for quality before I pay for it. What a concept! I received too many defective items, clothing included, from QVC in the last few years. Bad luck? I quit watching and ordering from them.

Also, QVC prices have gotten too high for me. I can find better quality and lower prices shopping in stores. And no shipping charges.
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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I rarely shop anymore. Went thru a phase many years ago buying jewelry and have more than I'll ever need. Would rather buy clothes at B&M stores. On occasion something catches my eye, but not often.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

[ Edited ]

Less; mostly due to hosts lack of giving imortant information needed to make a purchse.  They act more like entertainers and not what I need to hear or see.  Their "stage" appearances do NOT entertain me.  


Presentations of some of the hosts are old, monotonous, and BORING.  Mistakes in giving color and size info which is key for me to make a decision.  Acting childish or teen-like.  


It's all just a mess!


Edited to add, continually long airing of the TSV throughout the day.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

It's not that I actually watch less, it's that I combine real-time viewing with website time. I'm buying a little less from Q mainly because of the online presence of so many venues. Can't remember last time I went to a mall, and I was a huge mall shopper in my day. I really appreciate Q's free shipping days. 

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I might put it on once a week, I do check daily on Ipad.  Not enough product info many times.  I realize QVC only wants us to hear certain things as a buying tactic and honestly can't handle many hosts getting off subject of item being presented.  Shipping and return fees also come into cnsidetation many times.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Watch less or rarely. Prefer to just look online when interested in something and watch the video. To think I once rarely watched anything else to the point I could have had Q burned in on my TV screen! Times change …
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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I watch a lot less, mainly just check in while other channels have their many ads showing. I can't stand people talking over each other, not sure if this is because of the delay on the offsite vendors, but also when they have two hosts competing to have a word. The yelling and loud voices make me immediately mute if I want to watch a presentation. I don't really care about the hosts personal lives, preferring to know about the products. If it is clear that the host doesn't know anything about the product and just is babbling, it's an immediate turn off.