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@Texussgal wrote:

Thanks BlingQueen 022. I am beginning to see that.  I made a mistake, the post was taken off and I apologized.  I'll be danged if that is not enough.  I appreciate that everyone here wants to keep me honest, but whew, I'm not perfect and I DO make mistakes.  At least I admit it and try to rectify any situation I may create.  Oh well, different strokes for different folks.  That is what makes this world go round!Smiley Tongue

@Texussgal - As @BlingQueen022 has said, don't let it get to you.  You'd be surprised to find that some posters who call out another one for being "rude to a host" (or anyone else) have done exactly the same thing themselves.  And been called out on it by other posters!


I didn't see the original post but honestly, by this time next week, it will be "old news".  Post when you feel like it.  (And I doubt there are many of us who haven't posted something and then wished we hadn't.  The edit button comes in handy!)  Smiley Wink

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@Texussgal, one of the problems you're encountering with your very decent apology is that many posters don't read the whole thread before replying. It's a problem on all message boards. Welcome, and just move on.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Texussgal- EVERY word you write on here is "fodder for an argument." I have found that out. Some people are not happy unless they are just plain mean. Sometimes you really have to decide if it is wourh your time to comment. Most of the time it is not. I did not read your orginal comment, but  you explained yourself, now just forget about. Not worth another gray hair or wrinkle.

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-Smiley Happy)



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@Texussgal wrote:

Again, I will explain myself.  I should have stopped with my congratulations to Dan Wheeler.  I took it one step too far and NEVER should have done it.  It would really be nice if people could cut me some slack.  I've never been here before and didn't realize that every word would be fodder for an argument.  I have apologized and now I'm done!  In the future if I have anything to say, I will make certain that I put everything I want to say in a new post.  I had seen others do it and thought that was the way it was here......apparently it is NOT.

@Texussgal You shouldn't have to apologize more than once.  You showed character & class for explaining the mistake. If others can't let go or understand, don't let that steal your peace.  

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Re: Dan Wheeler

[ Edited ]

@Texussgal  I am pretty new here myself.  Let me teach you something.  Get a notebook and as you read,  and see someone that is a trouble maker,  write their name down.   When you see a comment , look at your list and if trouble is on it, don't respond.  That is what I have done.  Now,  also keep a list of the good ones, because there are many, and those are the ones that I respond to. 


I think some are here 24 hrs a day,  and read every single thing that is posted and try to start on something.  They are not worth your time.


If you have any issues or questions with your orders,  The moderators are the best at helping you.  Keep that in mind also. 


Good luck and remember no one is worth getting you upset.  It is a shopping forum.  There are many other places to hang out online. 


Also my list of nice people is a lot longer then the mean ones.  :0)

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Funny how everybody is so quick to give their own form of advice to a newbie that can be so tinged by their own experiences. Some use their "advice" to get in their little digs at others. I mean, keeping a list of trouble-makers ????


No, just be yourself, post what you think, and then forget it. This is a message board, nothing more. If you see yourself getting too riled up or too invested here, it's time to get outside and take a walk.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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@Texussgal, don't be overly concerned about having a post deleted; it happens to everyone who posts in the discussion threads.


You will find your path on these forums. You will learn just by reading threads who YOU think are posters to ignore or whose opinion you don't want to know ;-)  All that matters is the conclusion YOU come to, not what everyone else thinks or advises. 


I would also say, don't allow yourself to be made to feel paranoid about "offending" someone. They'll live, and there are quite a few posters who are offended by others simply existing and posting.


I look forward to seeing you around. 

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I made a remark about Shawn and it was perceived as being "mean" by the moderators at QVC. 


Perhaps it would be wise to stop making remarks about the hosts

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@insomniac2 wrote:

Texussgal, if your post was about Shawn, why did you entitle it "Grandpa Dan Wheeler"?


You stirred up something for nothing.



ITA!  If the post was NOT about DW, then why put his name in the heading?

Which is a reminder to posters .... the subject line should reflect >>> the subject.  If it was about Shawn K., then the subject line should've said "SK" -- and many of us would bypassed the message.   LOL!

On the other hand, we all love DW ....  Heart

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."