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I have also heard that Amazon does not treat its employees very well.


But at least Amazon doesn't brag over the airwaves 24/7 about how they are just one big happy family...



Posts: 24
Registered: ‎08-30-2010

I'll certainly miss you Dan! I worked in internet technology and it isn't scary at all! God bless you and your family, I always say God will find a way and if we trust in that He will!

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@Prairiedancer wrote:
I already bought some things on Amazon that I used to shop at the Q for. QVC used to be the only
place that I shopped at. Not anymore! I'm slowly cutting ties with a business that treats their employees like garbage!@

And Amazon doesn't?   They run them to the ground, have poor working conditions, and avoid unionazation.   

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

@michiganredneck wrote:

I'll certainly miss you Dan! I worked in internet technology and it isn't scary at all! God bless you and your family, I always say God will find a way and if we trust in that He will!

Dan has stated he intends to focus on writing and stand up comedy. Will miss Dans perspective on home improvements and around the holidays. Dan loves Christmas like I do.

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Registered: ‎02-16-2019

Yes if they set it up as a public figure and you like them you are essentially following them that is how Carolyn has hers set up.

@Drewps5co0tt wrote:

You can't follow him unless you're a friend lol


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He has a new Public page DanHughesTV where you can Follow him without being a friend.  In fact, you can't be a friend.  He asked everybody to follow him over there.

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How could they NOT give this gracious, highly admired host a farewell party on air?  Dan helped start this channel for heaven's sake!  He was also a big part of QVC 2 which should have been cut instead of talented hosts!


Corp. America lets their higherly paid team members go all the time in order to make room for lower paid, less experienced talent, however it can be done with grace and dignity and this was not.  Many large employers, even my own have come to team members close to retirement, or "over budgeted" income, and offered them deals to step down or take an early retirement.   Obviously, this was not done with Dan and Carolyn.  They seem like the type of professionals that would have taken the opportunity to leave with their heads held high if it had been given.


I was logging in to make a purchase when I decided to read the blogs, and that's  when I learned the news of these two being let go.  I removed the item from my shopping cart and will no longer be a customer of this unprofessional retailer that has no regard for their employees or long time shoppers feelings.

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Never liked him, glad he's gone.

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 180
Registered: ‎07-21-2018

This post has been removed by QVC because it is unkind

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010




Usually when people are laid off, they DON'T get a going away party.


They were laid off ( it's been on ALL the news....Google QVC Layoffs).


ANd...they were offered and accepted severance packages to leave.


It's a business...people come and go and get laid off or fired....They were sales people....not your friends or "family" no matter how much they pushed that spiel....


They will be OK.


Keep on shopping UNLESS they called you ( you ARE like family after all!!! Like fifth cousins or something?) and personally thanked YOU for shopping with them for all those years.)


Wouldn't wait too long.