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Dan Hughes post on social media yesterday.

[ Edited ]

They are clearly looking for experienced actors and entertainers.


This recent recruitment is prominently placed in Backstage and other forums where actors seek audition gigs.


I know it horrifies those who label hosts "just sales people" pejoratively.  Do some posters still not realize that the hosts are "actors"!!?


That was the 1980s Q.  This is now.

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Re: Dan Hughes post on social media yesterday.

I'm so tired of hearing about Dan and Carolyn.  It seems like they want to work up their fans into a frenzy of bitterness.  "Let it go" and move on.  


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Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

So many have lost jobs after they turned 60.  Wonder what ever happened to "age discrimination" rules for employers.

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Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

@Major Shopper 


I'm sure they have to include the higher end age bracket so as to not be caught in a lawsuit for age discrimination.  But because they include it does not mean they will hire someone at that age.  This is the same way women were and probably are still treated for some positions.  Basically you can apply but they ignore you.  Human Resource people are very careful on how they approach older applicants and delicately decline them in their thank you letter by stating how impressive their education and experience was and they will be contacted if future opportunities that fit their experience and education arise.  Politely denied.

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Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

Oh, my goodness . . . they are looking for actors who are storytellers?!  If I hadn't already stopped watching, I would.  I buy almost zero now.  I used to buy much more when they had a better product selection and hosts who took the time to present them accurately and thoroughtly.  


As for age, I think it's short sighted to cut people so that you can hire someone who earns less.  But I also think it's our culture.  We don't respect the experience of older workers.  

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Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

I have mixed feelings about this.  My husband and I run a small company.  We used to have employees, but due to Covid and other factors, it is now just us.  Years ago, one of our employees came to us asking for a raise.  Her only reasoning for the request was because she had been there X number of years.  She was not going to do more work.  She was not going to make more money for the company.  She did not have any more expertise.  This was not a cost of living thing either.  Her job did not entail a lot of skill such that we could not hire someone else to do her job.  I don't recall how we handled it.  If we did give her a raise, it was minimal.  Her Dad was in a union, so that was her mentality.


Employees should not expect to get raises just because they are still there.  Cost of living raises are one thing and I can understand that.  But if you expect to get paid more, I think you should be doing something to make your worth higher, such as bring in more sales, clients, business to the company.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

@Suneshine wrote:

Did anyone else see that?  Said he is in the market for a new job.  Lost his QVC job one year ago yesterday but got a job listing from a recruiter to apply for QVC host job openings that are up now.  That is rather funny.  However, they are hiring more new hosts?  I wonder if senior hosts are going to start retiring by the end of the year.  Many of them are close together in age. 

He's doing stand-up comedy now.  I think his comment is his attempt at comedy.

Posts: 59
Registered: ‎02-05-2023

Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

Masterful storyteller, huh?


Yeah, nobody says "masterfu storyteller" like Monifa Days, lol.


Don't know why Dan and Carolyn were fired, but the majority of QVC hosts aren't as talented as either of them were.

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Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

@qbetzforreal wrote:

@Suneshine wrote:

Did anyone else see that?  Said he is in the market for a new job.  Lost his QVC job one year ago yesterday but got a job listing from a recruiter to apply for QVC host job openings that are up now.  That is rather funny.  However, they are hiring more new hosts?  I wonder if senior hosts are going to start retiring by the end of the year.  Many of them are close together in age. 

He's doing stand-up comedy now.  I think his comment is his attempt at comedy.

@qbetzforreal  I agree with your comment. My son always called Dan

by the name of Dan Humor cause he was always trying to be funny.Woman Happy

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Registered: ‎08-31-2019

Re: Dan Huges post on social media yesterday.

Some feel that the culling of two of the older hosts, had nothing to do with age, as younger folks were fired, too. Well, I'm not convinced, because we've seen this in other work environments. Even at my former workplace.


I was privy, in my role, to some of the negative comments about our older staff. Yet, their work was top notch and they were always called on to train the new, young staff. Although they had earned their higher salaries, extra personal time off, etc., it became a burden for the bottom line. 


With Q layoffs, the opportunity arose to lose two older hosts. It was likely financially beneficial for the Q. It's how things work these days. People no longer retire with accolades for a job well done and the gold watch. In fact, in some settings, some are escorted off with security, after their final bow. 


The Q has had several new hires, in the last year, or two, but I haven't seen one YET that is a new hire, older senior, although they have an age range to 65. That's very telling. 


And, all of this is why, I think Jane T works so hard to hold onto her spot, which she's often criticised for. You do what you have to do. If they want more animation and performance, it has to be given. It's a competitive role, which is why I hate to criticise any of hosts.