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Re: Cutting off vendor

[ Edited ]

@MaryLamb  When I have sent an email to Customer Service, a reply is usually received later that day or the next morning.

It often states in part, "Your concerns will be forwarded to the proper department . . . " and ends with "Thank you for writing us. As a valuable customer, your feedback is valuable."


There are some that have varied in content, but the gist is the same IIRC. As long as it's forwarded, it is worth my time and trouble. 

A couple of those hosts need continual hand-holding, it appears. SMH

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@LexaMom wrote:

@rms1954 wrote:

You think it's easy doing their job????  Probably not.  They do not have a choice.  You do.

Maybe if the producers read this forum,  they would find out that the audience doesn't appreciate not getting full descriptions of the products.

If you think that's going to happen, it's not.  The producers do their job according to their specifications and qualifications.  Descriptions are found online so that's one option.  If you're viewing the item and it's on your TV screen, what more would you need?

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@rms1954  Why do you think so many customers ask Questions on many products? I've always wondered why the hosts don't look at those Questions prior to their presentations and answer them on air. Seems like an easy way to respond to the viewers needs and fill in the time. Certainly would beat the constant meme comments, wouldn't it?

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@spiderw  Thank YOU for helping. 

Alberti was on with Jim Shore this evening. It was a fabulous show! Alberti has manners, which makes any guest comfortable. He is also intelligent. Jim Shore is far to intelligent to hear about small children and family. He just sits there when that nonsense is brought up. I laugh as he waits for her to finish; no comment. It is hysterical as it flies right over her head. She has no clue! 


Tonight was interesting and full of fun as Alberti asked far more interesting questions and Jim shared his stories while Alberti listened. Such a difference. Jim deserves to have a professional host of Alberti's calliber all of the time. So do the viewers. 


Very enjoyable show tonight! I have several items in my shopping cart. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Knew this would happen once a good host was with Jim Shore!! 

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I was thinking last night - why do they even have to talk about numbers - I thought that was why they started showing RED/YELLOW/GREEN by size, etc at the bottom of the screen.   Going over those numbers as often as they do is so annoying.  

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@LexaMom wrote:

I was thinking last night - why do they even have to talk about numbers - I thought that was why they started showing RED/YELLOW/GREEN by size, etc at the bottom of the screen.   Going over those numbers as often as they do is so annoying.  


@LexaMom  Producers can see sales in real time.  When numbers are given it sparks more viewers to make their sale.  In the sales industry it's called "the call to action."  The NY Times did a write-up about it, specifically on QVC, a few years ago.


So don't expect that to ever change.  For some, and apparently many, human nature waits to be prompted to make that purchase.  It may be annoying to some, but QVC will not stop that practice anytime soon. 

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@BirkiLady wrote:

@spiderw  Thank YOU for helping. 

Alberti was on with Jim Shore this evening. It was a fabulous show! Alberti has manners, which makes any guest comfortable. He is also intelligent. Jim Shore is far to intelligent to hear about small children and family. He just sits there when that nonsense is brought up. I laugh as he waits for her to finish; no comment. It is hysterical as it flies right over her head. She has no clue! 


Tonight was interesting and full of fun as Alberti asked far more interesting questions and Jim shared his stories while Alberti listened. Such a difference. Jim deserves to have a professional host of Alberti's calliber all of the time. So do the viewers. 


Very enjoyable show tonight! I have several items in my shopping cart. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Knew this would happen once a good host was with Jim Shore!! 



What an contrast!!!!!  And what an enjoyable show!!!  Wasn't it wonderful that Jim actually got to complete a whole sentence and share some stories!! Woman Very Happy AMAZING!!!


I bought the angel with auto delivery....


Gabrielle is supposed to host today and she's another host that listens and allows the vendor to speak....

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Re: Cutting off vendor

[ Edited ]

@rms1954 wrote:

@LexaMom wrote:

@rms1954 wrote:

You think it's easy doing their job????  Probably not.  They do not have a choice.  You do.

Maybe if the producers read this forum,  they would find out that the audience doesn't appreciate not getting full descriptions of the products.

If you think that's going to happen, it's not.  The producers do their job according to their specifications and qualifications.  Descriptions are found online so that's one option.  If you're viewing the item and it's on your TV screen, what more would you need?

@rms1954 @Caaareful Shopper 


What more would you need?You need SALES!!! The fact is that annoying hosts make viewers change the channel, Jim Shore might be the exception since his appearances are so rare...but I didnt purchase anything on that show since KZ was hosting and I waited until the show with Alberti before buying....


Wht the Show Producers  do may have worked in the beginning for QVC back in the 80's but times have changed drastically for retail and viewers can easily spot sales gimmicks....QVC needs to change with the times.  Their sales had been flat for several quarters and last quarter they actually declined, while other retailers made gains. And since Qurate is listed as a seperate company from Liberty Interactive on NASDAQ stockholders won't tolerate flat or downward trends....Retailers that stuck with the "the same" are now struggling or are no longer in business...


The "call to action"  may work for Q's "fan club" that have been with QVC from the beginning, and think that the hosts are their friends, 

but for the rest of us, too easy to comparison shop online while viewing .....especially the mighty Amazon with Prime delivery....versus Q's slower than a snail's pace delivery, and cost to return something...

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Re: Cutting off vendor

[ Edited ]

@BirkiLady wrote:

@rms1954  Why do you think so many customers ask Questions on many products? I've always wondered why the hosts don't look at those Questions prior to their presentations and answer them on air. Seems like an easy way to respond to the viewers needs and fill in the time. Certainly would beat the constant meme comments, wouldn't it?



Your right, all those unanswered questions mean a failed presentation to me....or.... you just wonder if they are trying to hide product they did  with the Dyson cordless--- gave the run time on the lowest setting but not the highest...thankfully someone on the Forums and Facebook pointed it out...That's why a good host is so important and tells what the real product expectations are, less returns for QVC,and more happy customers who know what to expect......That's why product info is so important over the shows who put the spotlight on the host...and all the--- I, Me, Mine---host stories or...sales gimmicks...Woman Frustrated

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@LexaMom wrote:

I was thinking last night - why do they even have to talk about numbers - I thought that was why they started showing RED/YELLOW/GREEN by size, etc at the bottom of the screen.   Going over those numbers as often as they do is so annoying.  





Why do they have the RED/YELLOW/GREEN? 


It's so that the customer will feel a sense of urgency to buy before it sells out.



Same with saying how many are left in each size.



When they do both, it can intensify that sense of urgency to buy something before it sells out.

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