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You should be ashamed of yourself. If you cared about your audience you wouldn't show only a few hours. I am not talking about your expensive Jai jewelry that all looks the same and isn't pretty or your diamond and gemstones. I want shiny beautiful silver that you used to show. You might as well call yourself the fashion network cause you have no problem with 24 hrs of that and everyday with ridiculous prices for a top. You don't give a darn about showing silver.
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The landscape of shoppers who buy from home shopping networks has changed. Jewelry is not selling like it used to years ago and the networks know that more than anyone else.

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Well, I agree with everything you said. QVC should be ashamed. I can just can't imagine how they would put together even a couple hours of silver jewelry. They've let everybody go. Robert Manse is on JTV this weekend. Or Paz is on JTV occasionally under another name. No more Ecclissi watches. I've learned not to expect much because they have driven everyone away and the buyers don't seem to care. Have you seen pictures of the buyers? They wear Apple watches. They don't wear silver jewelry.


Remember how terrible the "Big Bonanza Silver Sale" on March 26th was? They must have started planning the event in mid-February when they started getting complaints from customers that saw that BBSD was cancelled on March 1st. The JAI TSV was supposed to be on in February. The UltraFine Silver items were all repeats. The new Affinity Gems item was supposed to be on Gem Day. The Kathy Levine and Jennifer Miller new items were supposed to be on Diamonique shows. The "Silver Style" new  hoop earrings from Turkey were not silver, they were plated. The only thing good about it was that Jane & Jill were on.

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@SilleeMee @Agreed! Times have changed!

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Registered: ‎06-24-2024

Re: Creede silver show

[ Edited ]

Doubt anyone who wants premium jewelry buys shopping channels silver or gold.

Light weight, and plated. Back in the heyday of QVC Creede shows offered premium weighty beautiful styles for every budget. Nothing stays the same. Memories, Loved... all the various shows QVC had so many different types. Lisa travels, her shows were wonderful, magnificent gowns, beautiful Italian gold and silver. Miss those days. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Silver is $30 an OUNCE on the metals market.  So how much do you think they will sell at that price?  Plus labor.  Plus marketing.

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: Creede silver show

[ Edited ]

I can understand being disappointed, but telling a multi million dollar company they "should be ashamed" for making programming decisions is a little over the top.


 As someone who has purchased a ton of silver jewelry from QVC, including many pieces from JR, Michael Dawkins, Barbara Bixby, Carolyn Pollack, etc., etc. etc, I lost interest in adding to my collections about 8 years ago.  I think many others have too, especially at the silver prices currently.  

ETA: I had 12 Eclissi watches, all in nearly new condition, all sterling some with turquoise or other gemstones . I put them all up on Mercari for sale about 4 years ago at very reasonable prices.  To this day, I've only sold 4 of them and had to cut the prices just to sell those.  No one even looks at them anymore.  So much for that market. 

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Posts: 474
Registered: ‎11-09-2023

Re: Creede silver show

[ Edited ]



Gold is over $2500 an ounce and QVC had several gold shows during May is Gold Month and diamonds in gold during April is Diamond Month.


QVC had diamonds in silver three days ago. They have Diamonique in silver weekly. They had an UltraFine SIlver TSV in the summer. It's all marketing. Why don't they have those shows on October 2nd when people expect them instead of random days in the summer or "Back to School time?" They had a built-in marketing technique going for decades and they've nearly abandoned it.

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Registered: ‎06-20-2015
Robert Manse is no longer at the Q? He was so humble + happy to be on the Q and always explained his jewelry well. It seems like I was watching 1 of his shows about a month ago. Wow.
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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

That's just like 14 kt gold shows they have them months before Xmas or after Xmas.


Should be on towards the holiday that's when people are in the mood to spend bucks. Gift giving, husbands let loose of the billfold, etc.