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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

I'm sorry that I missed it.  And who was the male vendor?

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

@Spurt wrote:

@febe1 wrote:

@Karnerblue wrote:

@photoroe yes, it was Kirstern.  She ALWAYS presents that belt and yes, she does show way much more than is necessary.  It's obnoxious for a TV shopping demonstration.

Didn't see the show, but I thought it would be Kirsten. Sometimes, I just wonder if Kirsten knows what her job is. 

@febe1  Or even likes her job for that matter, she seems bored.....

Yes, @Spurt, or like she's doing everybody a big favor just being there. 8)

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

I didn't see the presentation, but I knew IMMEDIATELY which host it would have been.  She appears to need A LOT of attention, in my opinion.

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

She feels she has a great body.  Iam sure that is why she likes these demonstrations. She wants to show off her body. More power to her.

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

[ Edited ]

Ladies:  Let's not forget our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS here!!!  Why do I always have to make the most salient points on this board?  Hmmm?  Article 567, section 1,897,546 of our Constitution states, and I quote VERBATIM:  "QVC viewers have an absolute right unabridgable by law, man, God, or mammon (what's that?) not to be forced to view a QVC host's belly button piercing."  Therefore, if you disagree with me and the rest of those on my side, you are against the Constitution, freedom, apple pie, and the American way.  My, my, my, how low can you people go?


P.S.:  All kidding aside, it would not kill the hosts and the vendors to avoid wardrobe malfunctions and risque language.  That still leaves a lot of latitude for showing off, doing their jobs, and kidding around.  I don't dislike this host at all, but, AS I SAID, a Skinny T would have made the presentation much better.

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

I honestly saw nothing wrong with the presentation.  She wasn't even wearing pants.  She was wearing a skirt.  She looked very much like the other woman on set who was also demonstrating the belt.

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

I wish I had her midriff

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

@Pook wrote:


@Q4u wrote:

@Pook wrote:

It was a fitness product and nothing wrong with showing how it is used and works!!  There was nothing inappropriate about this presentation!  I don't know how some survive in the world today as many wear such low riding clothing when not working out.  

It's only shocking on a host for a Shopping Channel that has difinitive standards regarding what can show and what can't.  Usually the belly button is the line where the pants stop. So to see this particular host showing so much is unusual at best..... as far as seeing the same or less on the beach or around town.... go for it, certainly isn't shocking...... 

Maybe back - WAY BACK in time there were harsh stringent standards like you are saying - but come on - in this day and age??!!!  I have never seen or heard of such standards for Shopping Channel hosts either as I am not employed there.  Unless you know for a fact (and it's obvious it is not based on the numerous shows showing that particular item), the "difinitive standards" are only so in your mind!!!

I disagree.  First, I never said the stringent standards were harsh.  Harsh is your word.  The common definition of stringent is:   Precise, Strict and Exacting.


I believe there are standards that are just common sense for a business that can come into every home in America.   Most corporate businesses have stingent standards as well, NOT written in stone but obvious when looking at the employees. Most Corporate entities want a certain professional look.  Deviate and you're talked to.


So it's not a large leap to assume that there are dress standards for the people representing this company on air.


Does a Shopping Channel have stringent standards?  Based on what I've seen and heard over the years I definitely believe so.  Are they harsh?  No, not at all IMHO and didn't intend to imply harshness, this YOU read into my post.  





*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

@Ms X wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:

@Ms X wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@Ms X wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@Ms X wrote:

I didn't see it, but I think the host should have worn something like those Skinny T's (the long tank tops) to cover herself.  That way, she could have demonstrated it without showing too much skin.  It's tacky when things like this happen on-air.  I still think they should stop with the live modeling of underwear and go back to the mannequins.  I find it gross.





What do you do when a commercial for underware comes on?


They show no more skin than you would find on a beach.



People don't wear underwear on the beach.  Bathing suits aren't bras and panties.  They are more substantial.  I think it's tacky and inappropriate, that's all.





I guess you have never seen a woman in a bikini at the beach then.

Give it a rest, Plaid Pants.  I think it's tacky.  You can like it if you want, but I have a right to my opinion.  Knock yourself out watching it!





Let's give Plaid Pants a thumbs up for calling it like it is.  You might not like it.  I might not like it.  So what.  That's the way it is.  It's time for people to start looking in the mirror and taking care of their own faults and judgementalism.  I hate it when people say to turn the channel but that's what I think in this case.  Oh wait, there are Victoria's Secret commercials on all the time......

More over-the-top characterizations of what I said.  Yawn!



You missed the point.

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Re: Couldn't believe what I was seeing

Just wow...I guess no one ever goes to the beach and sees things like G-string bikinis and speedos and such.


Lots of puritanical folks here I guess. Just MY opinion.