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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

I love the Christmas shows!  Little perspective here, folks:  There hasn't been a Christmas  show for 4 weeks! 4 WEEKS.  How many times in the past 4 weeks have you seen Susan Graver, Vincenza Gold, or a Cheryl's Cookie?  It's hilarious, yet sad, when people get angry about a day of Christmas items once or twice a month when everything else that QVC offers on a regular basis is so repetetive.  Yes, it does seem early for Christmas decor to be offerred, but QVC offers, and sells a lot of it, and people who watch these shows plan their holiday decorating very early each year.  Do you know how a shopper who has zero interest in clothing or jewelry feels when weeks go by with nothing but cheap handbags and fake diamonds?  Well, I'll tell you, not bad at all.  I just don't watch.    

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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

I'm not a big holiday person, but I have no problem with them having the shows. Why not? A lot of people love it. Some days are more for my preferences than for other people, so there you go.

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

thumbs down for me, mostly because the items being presented will be the same ones as last year and the year before that and QVC will then do this ad nauseum up thru the actual holidays with their "variety" shows of host picks, blah blah blah.


Most of the things Q presents are not items I would be interested in buying for gifts which for me is the other reason for not bothering to watch.


I used to buy jewelry from QVC for gifts for my niece and friends but the prices and variety have killed that for me as well.  I look elsewhere for gifts these days.

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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

@GinaV24 wrote:

thumbs down for me, mostly because the items being presented will be the same ones as last year and the year before that and QVC will then do this ad nauseum up thru the actual holidays with their "variety" shows of host picks, blah blah blah.


Most of the things Q presents are not items I would be interested in buying for gifts which for me is the other reason for not bothering to watch.


I used to buy jewelry from QVC for gifts for my niece and friends but the prices and variety have killed that for me as well.  I look elsewhere for gifts these days.

I could not have said it better !

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

It's barely fall and I want to enjoy the season that I'm in. Christmas and winter will come around soon enough. I have family members with fall birthdays and I would like to enjoy those special days without other holidays intruding in.


I'm also at a point in my life where I do not need any more Christmas decorations or lighting. I don't need holiday dishes or table settings. I realize that the bricks and mortar stores are also gearing up for Christmas too. Canadian Costco stores have their Christmas decor out. I've seen Sears Canada starting to put out their Christmas decor. There's a Christmas themed store in the local mall.

Occasional Contributor
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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

thumbs down for sure.


i am so tired of this over the top marketing and manipulation of the meaning of christmas, and/or any other holiday which has been dubbed a spending ritual. i feel like i'm constantly watching the "miracle tonic salesman show", only this one isn't off the back of a truck. 

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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

I am tired of Christmas being shoved down my throat....I don't watch the shows this early in the's over kill

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Registered: ‎09-14-2010

Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

Thumbs down here.

Maybe starting in September - a couple shows a week. How much decorating stuff does one person need?  And, are we really buying all the junk they drag out for gifts?  My family members  would like die if I gave them some of these things they say would make a good gift - I am like "really??".... And, I do not know or have I ever known a person that buys something for the mailman or the bus driver - they would probably look at me like I was from another planet and throw it in the trash anyhow! Yes, I know Christmas is a big money maker - but, do we really need five months of it? NO - we don't.

-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

Thumbs up for me.  Even though we don't do the family gifts anymore, it's still nice to get anything I want/need out of the way so it isn't a made dash closer to Christmas to get things done and I have more time to relax and get all my baking done earlier since I don't have to shop.    I remember when I worked and had gift shopping and wrapping, decoration shopping , etc to do and would often end up baking until the wee hours of the morning to get things done.  That being said, I do, however think 3 days is a bit much for anything.  They could just have one day and maybe 2 hour shows other days for those that like it.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Christmas ALL Day? Thumbs up or down for you?

It isn't THAT they do it, it's HOW they do it, and it's WHAT they sell, over and over, year after year, it simply isn't interesting. And no, I have no intention of watching hour after hour of  'generic' Christmas programming on the off chance that one single item of potential interest will jump out as a nicely priced, desirable holiday gift. 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...