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I almost never buy anything on easy pay because it is a hassle to figure out how much gets credited back on a return. So back in June, I must have inadvertenly ordered the Green Miracle cleaner on 6 Easy Pay payments of $4.79 by mistake.  I electronically paid the entire $28.74 in July so I wouldn't have any more bills.  But noooooo. The credit card company, Synchronicity, sent me a bill today for $4.79 and say I owe $4.79 next month too. In between they sent me a refund of $9.58. What???? So I called to find out what is going on. They said when I paid the $28.74 they counted that as overpayment and subtracted the $4.79 payment twice. Then sent me the refund. Now I owe the refund back? Huh? I never heard of such a thing. Why not accept the total payment and skip sending more bills and refunds--more paperwork and postage. What a crazy wa to do business. So I  cancelled the card. Nevermore. will I hae to deal with a Q card and their billing system.

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Registered: ‎12-28-2017

Re: Beware the Q card

[ Edited ]

It makes sense to me. You would have needed to pay your additional easy payments directly through QVC’s website as they haven’t been billed yet.

Because they hadn’t been charged to your Q card yet via Synchrony any payment over the credit cards minimum payment goes towards lowering the cards total balance. If there is no balance it’s an overpayment.


You could do what you wanted you just needed to go through Q's site not Synchrony. 

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@hippiechick7897    I'm glad somebody can make sense out of that situation.  Your explanation makes perfect sense.  I had an Evine card with Synchrony but canceled it after 2 months.  Got an offer from Walmart for $40 off a TV I was buying if I'd open an account.  When I got the account info and learned it was from Sychrony, I immediately paid off the bill and cut up the credit card.  Now Walmart is switching to Capital One.  Synchrony has a monopoly on retail credit in this country.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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There's nothing wrong with the  Q card.  As @hippiechick7897  well stated, you should have paid the Q directly and not the credit card. 


No need to blame the Q card for your error.

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@geegerbee  I don't shop with a Q card, but I do charge virtually everything I buy and I do often use EZPay.  Hate to tell you but every credit company's process is similar, so if you switch to another card, expect that following your money is a chore.   








Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Beware the Q card

[ Edited ]

I don't understand what you mean by "electronically" paying.  Does that mean you just paid the full amount on the card?  My understanding is that, if you want to pay down your full balance sooner, you need to go into the order and change it there.  See photo for example.



Esteemed Contributor
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@geegerbeeI had wondered about that in the past and called the bank finding out what you had run across. I realized that I can go into my Q account and have the additional easy pay amounts go into the next months bill. 

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Registered: ‎07-22-2010

If you accidentally buy using easy pay, you must go to the Q order status page, select easy pay from the top, select the purchase you want to change, then click at the bottom where it says pay balance. Then you will see it on the Q card a few days later. I had the same problem with the Apple card and the purchase of a new iPhone.