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I am sending out a request to BFD to fix the Cozychic Ultra Lite fabrication. This would be a great fabrication if it didn't shed on everything. If you really read the reviews, you would see that they all say the same thing. There is nothing worse than wearing this fabrication and have the shedding follow you every where you go. I have washed these items, as suggested, and there is still a problem. There is still the issue of the sparkly items that end up on everything. For the price of these items, I think you can do better. I will not purchase anything in this BFD line until you address the fact that there is a problem and that you are committed to fixing it. I f you think this is just my opinion., as they say, 'read the room'.

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i have lots of BD items in all the various materials and absolutely none of them shed. the cozy chic ultra light is one of my favorites actually.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@DasMEM2 The vendors don't participate here. You'd be better off posting this on their website if they have on or their FB page.

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Perhaps go to their website and contact the company directly.

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@DasMEM2 wrote:

I am sending out a request to BFD to fix the Cozychic Ultra Lite fabrication. This would be a great fabrication if it didn't shed on everything. If you really read the reviews, you would see that they all say the same thing. There is nothing worse than wearing this fabrication and have the shedding follow you every where you go. I have washed these items, as suggested, and there is still a problem. There is still the issue of the sparkly items that end up on everything. For the price of these items, I think you can do better. I will not purchase anything in this BFD line until you address the fact that there is a problem and that you are committed to fixing it.


I f you think this is just my opinion., as they say, 'read the room'.




Why aren't you making this request on the BFD website or their FB site?   This is the QVC discussion boards and I doubt anyone here has any influence with BFD management.    

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I have many BFD and I haven't had any issues with them shedding.

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I bought a BFD cardigan years ago in silver and loved it. Next time I saw that same style on sale, I picked up a charcoal color. The first time I wore it after washing, it shed everywhere- on my couch, on my car seat, on my chair at work. It was a nightmare. Not sure why only the charcoal one shed.
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@Pecky wrote:

I have many BFD and I haven't had any issues with them shedding.

Same with me!  I have never, ever had any problems with the clothes.    No shedding, no lint, etc.  I've never returned anything I purchased.  Never pilled.  

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Never had an issues with my BD’s shedding or pilling and I have many. Maybe if you don’t laundry them correctly that will happen?? 🤗🤗🤗
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@DasMEM2.  Seems like perhaps you should have returned it as defective the first time you washed it and saw the shedding.

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