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Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

Okay, I have never asked a question using this sounding board. Please forgive me if this has been mentioned as I read these blogs frequently for amusement and know some posters get annoyed by repetitive questions. Twice in the last 2 weeks I get a notice my order has been delivered. Well, I DID receive a package but it's not mine, different name and address. Obviously the PO doesn't even check the name and address and only uses the barcode, understandably in the current situation. But I am curious how extent this problem is. I have been a customer since 1986 and a big fan of QVC but haven't encountered these issues ever in the past. 

FYI: both items are out of stock now so out of luck

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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

@cjm61   Who's out of luck?

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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

Are you saying you somehow got packages with someone else's name and address on the outside label?  That's the fault of the post office.  Give them back to your carrier if thats what happened.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

Not yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were delays by QVC and mixups by shippers.  

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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?



I recieved both kinds of mistakes----


Along with my package they delivered someone else's package with mine.  The misdelivered package was NOT from QVC.... I did go to the USPS website and used their "Scheduled A Pickup" option and in the remarks area indicated that this package was delivered to me by mistake.... USPS came and picked it up.....


I also got a QVC package that had my name/address on the mailing label, but inside was someone else's QVC order along with their invoice.  I called QVC Customer Service and explained the situation and asked for a full refund including the original shipping on MY order that I  never received. And I also gave the order # for the other person so they wouldnt be charged for the return label  since it was misdelivered. And in the package along with the invoice I included a note explaining what happened......  And once again went to the USPS website and used "Schedule A Pickup" so USPS came to my door to pick up the package....


I hope this information helps....

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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?



Exactly. Simply take it to the PO or sehedule a pickup. I certainly wouldn't keep it as it is not mine. Still do not know who the poster is referring to when she says out of  stock out of luck. Not if she returns it to the PO. 

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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

@50Mickey  I think she meant she is out of luck because she didn't receive her items that she ordered and they are now out of stock.

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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

That makes sense. 

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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

Welcome to the boards!   


If you're saying that the name and address embedded in the label's barcode isn't the same as the printed name and address, that sounds like QVC's mistake.  Makes me wonder how many times that happens? 


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Re: Any of you receiving others' packages? With a whole other name and address than yours?

I have been trying to call about my order Same situation I did email them.  , they did email me back and said if I didnt recieve them by the 20th to call.  There is no tracking info available .. GRRRR