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Posts: 399
Registered: ‎02-27-2015

forrestwolf. Calling forrestwolf...

Forrestwolf, I read your post about your doggie and the problems with your father.


This isn't a perfect fit, but maybe browse over to two websites that have helped me tremendously:


1. Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers


2. there is a sub-reddit titled "raised by narcissists"


It may help reading these. Straight talk and you may get some comfort. Take care. I don't know if you are a Christian, but I am, and I will tell you this in friendship and love: You are a precious child of God. Hang in there, there is hope.

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Re: forrestwolf. Calling forrestwolf...

I know many will be touched by these links.  Bless you!

Super Contributor
Posts: 399
Registered: ‎02-27-2015

Re: forrestwolf. Calling forrestwolf...

@Sooner wrote:

I know many will be touched by these links.  Bless you!

It took me almost 40 years to figure out what was going on; it helps to know that it truly isn't you, it's them.


The reddit subforum has language that can be, ehemmm, "salty", lol, but when you are just realizing what is going on, it can cause strong feelings. I'm no doctor, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of this fits the bill. Survivors.