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You are one lucky lady!  Years ago, I read that dogs can "smell"  or sense cancer that hasn't been detected.  There is no reason a cat couldn't!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@wagirl - At the time our cat was diagnosed with the thyroid issue, the iodine radiation treatment was mentioned.  It was about $1500 - $2000.  It would've also meant going to an animal hospital further away and then isolating our cat from our other two for a couple of weeks (because of the radiation).


Our vet thought he could remove the "bad" thyroid gland and she'd be fine without medication.  Of course, it didn't go that way and he had to remove both thyroid glands.  In "most" cases, the parathyroids take over.


Well, our kitty wasn't "most cases" and she's been on pills ever since.  If I ever have another cat develop this, I'll have the iodine treatment done and that will be the end of it.  Wish I'd known then, what I know now.  Smiley Sad

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Posts: 581
Registered: ‎08-27-2010

My cat also takes his medicine in his ears.Make sure you clean them out every 2 weeks.I use a little squirt of organic dish soap.I mix it with water and swipe out his ears with a cotton ball.I then take a wet cotton ball and wipe out the soap. He has been on the meds for around 2 years and no problems. I take him in every 6 month for bloodwork. He is 18 so I have to make sure he has the right dosage.It seems to change every time I take him.


Glad your kitty is doing better.