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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

Micro-Tek by Eqyss works great, it comes in a spray. You can usually find it at farm and ranch type stores but Amazon also sells it. It's safe on dogs.

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

Sorry to hear about your dogs.  If you are done using the flea shampoos/treatments then I would switch over to an oatmeal or aloe  shampoo for them.  I had one dog that was allergic to the flea bites on top of the original problem. Only the vet can tell you this. I also spritz my dogs or their brush  with either Avon's Skin So Soft  or Chaz's treatment spray Sweet Almond Mist. I have German Shephards and this is what has worked for us.

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

Our dog had been scratching and developing "hot spots."  We changed her food to a simple, two ingredient food and she is much better.  Our vet said allergies to food can develop at any time, even to food she had been eating all her life. 

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

Sorry to hear about your dogs problem with itching.  I have an allergic dog and very occasionally I will have to give her benadryl just to break the itching cyce,  She is big (80 lbs.) so I give her one pill.  You'd have to adjust the dose accordidng to the dog's size. 


The summer seems to be the worst for allergies. 

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

Thank-you for the tip. i'm going to send this to my friend for her dog. 

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?


@PinkyPetunia wrote:

Sorry to hear about your dogs problem with itching.  I have an allergic dog and very occasionally I will have to give her benadryl just to break the itching cyce,  She is big (80 lbs.) so I give her one pill.  You'd have to adjust the dose accordidng to the dog's size. 


The summer seems to be the worst for allergies. 

I agree about using Benadryl.  I would call the vet and ask about dosing amounts.  This may help get you through until you see the new vet on Monday.  How fortunate for you that have a natural vet in your area.  I would appreciate hearing what they offer for this and other problems.

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

My vet told me to give children's Benadryl to my dog for itching.  It does help.  The dose is 10 mg for every 10 lbs the dog weighs. 

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

I spray my dogs itchy  with a mix of half each golden listerine and water. It really helps. You can also do an after bath or in between baths rinse with it...half of each.  I also dab a cotton ball soaked with it  on any spots neAr their head/ears. I order a Sulfer/peroxide based dog shampoo from eBay.That really helps too.

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

I use Medicated Gold Bond Powder. Our groomer said alot of her customers use it when their dogs get itchy. Apply it, let it sit a few seconds, then brush it out. 

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Re: What can I put on my dogs to help itchy skin?

@Lovemyboots wrote:

We can't do Revolution till the 20th of this month.  And the oldest one can't do it at all. She can't take any vaccines or any chemicals at all. She is highly allergic. I have been giving her oatmeal baths. And putiing natural oils on her. And combing with flea comb. She is miserable. The other 2, I have washed in Dawn & then put them also in an oatmeal bath to try to soothe their skin & also flea comb at least 3 times a day. All are starting to run when they see me coming!  On the yard we did do the bug b gone but in the house we did DE. Which is suppose to be natural. Yesterday we steam cleaned the carpet in the den. The rest of the house is wood floors. Well except the bedroom. The dogs stay inside all day because be are having such hot weather. They just run out just off the deck & do their business & come right back in.  They didn't start this terrible scratching till I did the Dawn. But I followed up with oatmeal bath.  Oh & I have an appointment Monday with a new vet in town that I was told leans toward all natural treatments. Hoping she can help. But that is Monday. 3 more days of misery for my babies! 

Hi @Lovemyboots

The sentence I put in bold caught my eye.  Just in case you haven't already done this, be sure when you bathe them, rinse even more than you think you need to, and then rinse some more.  Any soap/detergent residue left on the skin will lead to itching.

Not saying this is the reason for all itching, but I was less than thorough in rinsing once, and I had to re-bathe my dog and rinse extra carefully.

Other posters have given you good advice, but if there does remain any residue, then the first step would be to remove it.

Good wishes that your dogs will be comfortable.

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