I'm glad you had a wonderful meal with your family. We'll go to my brother & sister-in-law's home this afternoon, just 7 of us. Normally, they have her side of the family as well as a once a year tradition. We'll miss seeing them this year.
Wish I was a fly on the fall to see your pet kids enjoying their new toys. I can picture their reactions with them. My girls didn't receive anything from Santa. I can't get them to play much anymore. My reasons for not much sleep are because one of my kitties has been meowing at night for my attention for pets & belly rubs. Our black lab, Connie, has an allery (& she's on meds for it) with loud licks.
Seems we've reversed weather conditions. We're about high 50s, heavy rain & windy. Go figure. Your home must be so festive with the fireplace going .. very cozy.
Enjoy your Christmas Day. I'm sure it will be fun for all of you.