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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@sceniccoast wrote:


Sweet Ava is a model for sure.  And, so festive looking.  Do both she & Mr. Henry get stockings full of treats & toys?  Probably, Henry, has the kitty attititude, "don't bug me.  I don't want to get dressed up."  I can't do much with my 2 sister kitties anymore.  


Enjoy your Christmas & New Year with your pet family.  I'm sure they'll give you loads of hugs & kisses for the holidays because you show them love & care each day.  Heart



@sceniccoast   Thank you.  Ava and Henry do have stockings with their names on them, but they got their presents a little before Christmas.  I couldn't wait.  They love them.


Last night I went to my sister's and had Christmas Eve dinner with their family.  They gave Ava a squeaky Santa Claus that she loves.  She carried it to her bed with her this morning after I gave it to her.


Henry got a fishing pole toy that I haven't shown him yet.  I didn't sleep at all last night, which seems to happen more frequently now, and I will play with him later today.  I got up at 5:30 and built a fire.  It's 19 degrees outside!  Bitter cold!


I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas, and the same wishes go for all the Schmoo family here.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


I'm glad you had a wonderful meal with your family.  We'll go to my brother & sister-in-law's home this afternoon, just 7 of us.  Normally, they have her side of the family as well as a once a year tradition.  We'll miss seeing them this year.


Wish I was a fly on the fall to see your pet kids enjoying their new toys.  I can picture their reactions with them.  My girls didn't receive anything from Santa.  I can't get them to play much anymore.  My reasons for not much sleep are because one of my kitties has been meowing at night for my attention for pets & belly rubs.  Our black lab, Connie, has an allery (& she's on meds for it) with loud licks.  


Seems we've reversed weather conditions.  We're about high 50s, heavy rain & windy.  Go figure.  Your home must be so festive with the fireplace going .. very cozy.


Enjoy your Christmas Day.  I'm sure it will be fun for all of you.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Friday/Christmas Day report:   Merry Christmas and greetings to all on this snowy Christmas Day!


Our home wants to thank yours for all the prayers and encouragement for Frankie this past year--it's been a doozy.  @sceniccoast @NickNack @lynne6was7 @geezerette @AnikaBrodie @beastielove @Shop till You Drop @grandkidsrgreat @newtoallthis @KitTCat @noodleann @Tissyanne @TrafficDiva @Reconnaissant @slh  and so many more who read and leave hearts.  Here's a big one right back at you.  Heart


Santa and his elves have been busy delivering to Frankie, as you might imagine. Below in the first picture, behold about 1/3 of what's left from what Santa brought to Frankie. She exhausted herself in a morning carnage on the other parts of it.


Then in the next two, a couple of action shots with Frankie and a brand new, one of 2 Yeowww Catnip bananas courtesy of the Kitty Sitter and her kitties, Eskimo and Pooh Bear.  We decided this was a "Christmas Eve Warmup" for Frankie and she tucked right in. Can you tell this cat had major surgery less than a month ago?  We think not:


Frankie Christmas 2020 3  SZD.jpg


Frankie Christmas 2020 SZD.jpg

Frankie Christmas 2020 2 SZD.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1   I started to ask you the other day if you had a back up banana for Frankie.  She seems to never be without it.  😊❤️

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Merry Christmas @Sammycat1 Family, .. & all in The Land of Schmoo:


Santa was very generous to Sweet Frankie.  It doesn't surprise me that she's so playful.  Frankie has tremendous strength & determination after her illnesses & surgeries to "bounce back" with all her power.  She proves it again & again.  She's extra special ... Heart  Don't be surprised if she sleeps in late tomorrow morning.   Cat Tongue  She feels she earned it.


I hope both Eskimo & Pooh Bear enjoyed their Christmas as well.  


Hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful weekend.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Merry Christmas Schmoosters!


Duke had his first chemo treatment on Tuesday and so far is tolerating it well, no side affects that I can see. He is on an oral med. Chemo by IV which is the go-to standard treatment is a bit too steep for me, $500 per treatment, which would have been given once a week for 7 weeks. Oral treatments are given every 3 weeks, and is approximately half the other cost. He already showed improvements in his bloodwork after given an enzyme during his first visit to the oncologist and the kidney reduced in size by 1cm. They will see him again on Tuesday and will be able to tell if this drug is working. Please continue to pray for Duke, they are being answered!


Here he is, after unwrapping his new banana. He gave it a hug, and some lip rub action. I think he's happy!


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@KitTkat   I'm so glad Duke is tolerating his chemo.  I hope it continues and will continue to pray for him.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@KitTkat wrote:





Sending tons of strong healing

prayers,positive energy and warm

comfort hugs to your very precious,

beautiful boy.





All of my children have paws  =^..^=

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Best of luck for your Sweet Duke's healing.  He sure is a handsome boy!

I think you're right, looks like he's smiling to me.


A happy kitty helps to have a happy home.  Prayers & hugs being sent to Duke & you.  Heart


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Posts: 6,639
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

@KitTkat wrote:

Merry Christmas Schmoosters!


Duke had his first chemo treatment on Tuesday and so far is tolerating it well, no side affects that I can see. He is on an oral med. Chemo by IV which is the go-to standard treatment is a bit too steep for me, $500 per treatment, which would have been given once a week for 7 weeks. Oral treatments are given every 3 weeks, and is approximately half the other cost. He already showed improvements in his bloodwork after given an enzyme during his first visit to the oncologist and the kidney reduced in size by 1cm. They will see him again on Tuesday and will be able to tell if this drug is working. Please continue to pray for Duke, they are being answered!


Here he is, after unwrapping his new banana. He gave it a hug, and some lip rub action. I think he's happy!




This is a portrait of pure hope, happiness and return to health. This is one of the best Christmas presents I received this year. Go Duke go! Your Schmoo Prayer Warriors are with you!