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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thursday report:  Greetings Schmoosters and sorry I didn't log in yesterday to give you a report--we were all pretty wiped out and I had a long tour in high heat yesterday.


Unfortunately, recently we had some work done on our SUV and they had to reboot the car's computer afterward. About 3/4 of the way to the specialists, the AC quit. Not good with a cat in heart failure--heat not a friend and we were on highways with roaring cars and trucks. She's a bad traveler and she was terrified.


Frankie was panting heavily once we got there, so they had to do additional workups to make sure it was safe to travel back home, as well as a cardiologist.  She now has 4 doctors.


Bottom line:  the internal medicine doc won't accept her for the radioactive iodine treatment until her heart failure is stabilized, and the cardiologist says the only thing that will stabilize the heart failure is treatment for the hyperthyroidism. Rock and hard place.


She was beyond exhausted when we got home that evening. We were supposed to be there an hour but all of the exams, etc., took 7 hours. So we worked hard to get her comfortable and rested.


So they are conferring with each other and Frankie's two doctors here at home.  The radioactive iodine treatment means she's there for 4 days and nights; they will intervene if her other illnesses go berserk, a likelihood because stress triggers those. If she begins to fail, we can't hold her or be with her as they put her to sleep because of the radioactivity. We also wouldn't get her body back for 90 days--the law.


Another thought is a limited surgery through scopes to remove the tumor and any tissue in her chest--but this means general anesthesia, an enormous risk. There's a 50-50 chance she'll die on the table. However, it does mean we can take her home the next day.


If we do nothing, the heart failure will rapidly consume and kill her.


So the cardiologist is review additional x-rays we sent to him yesterday before he makes a final call on meds to get her into a better state.


I write all of this not to bore you with details, but as background information in case your pets need get into a similar pickle. And we want to thank you all for your kindness and prayers.


One thing remains the same:  she loves us and we love her:


Frankie n Daddy bird feeder SZD.jpg




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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

@Sammycat1 , I sure hope your car ac is working now. I am so sorry that happened, and then the traffic noise too.


You all are facing some unthinkable challenges, but I know all 3 of you are brave, and will remain stronger every day.  It is just what your family does. 


Your Schmoo family is sending our love,and positive thoughts.  Our prayers are for you always. 


Our champagne kitty is watching over the 3 of you. Always, and always. Higher than the sky. Heart







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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



prayers continue for each of you during this hard time and prayers for Frankie's doctors to choose the right path. Your Schmoo family loves you and holds you close. 🩷

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1~ hope you have an abbreviated work schedule so you can spend more time with Frankie & DH. 


And yes, I welcome the vet medical knowledge you instill in us.  With my last spaniel Chloe, we ended up in Towson and later Rockville MD (VCA Center).  This is why I am anti-vax with Bo, since spaniels are prone to hemolytic anemia which Chloe suffered from.   Prayers continuing for your precious little one.



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy, I hope today everyone is doing as well as possible and rested. Continued prayers your Dr team can work to find the best outcome for sweet Frankie..take good care sending lots of hugs.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Saturday report:  Greetings to all Schmoosters.


Despite her health problems, Frankie has rebounded from her brutal Tuesday. The car can't get to the shop until Monday, but if we have an emergency, the temperature has dropped almost 40 degrees since this past week, so we're good. I hate these computers in cars!


We heard from her cardiologist late yesterday with the plan he wants us to attempt with her new medications.


One of them can push the liver hard, so she has to have blood work within 7 to 10 days to make sure it's not too much for her.


The goal is to get her into a better state before a final decision is made whether we'll do surgery or the radioactive iodine.


In the meantime, she's decided to spruce herself up a bit. She's so fast my phone camera can't keep up with her:


Frankie cleanse May 4 2024 SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1   A cat who is still grooming herself is a cat still loving her life!  She looks beautiful, and is clearly strong, fierce and ready to fight, I hope her vets can find a good, safe way forward for her!!!  You all remain in my prayers.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

                 ~ Good morning all Schmoo-posters~ 


@Sammycat1~ As Camille said, the fact Frankie is worried about her appearance is a good thing.  And happy the temps dropped making travel bearable.  The last photo you posted warms my heart, she looks contented on her cat quilt.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy, I am glad a new plan is in action. Our girl looks glorious with her grooming activity. She is a sick girl, but always beautiful. Have the best week possible.
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Posts: 19,930
Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

@Sammycat1 , I hope the weekend was as good as possible for you all. I love this picture of Frankie ladybug grooming. She is a real tropper in every way. Heart


Frankie cleanse May 4 2024 SZD.jpg