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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Tissyanne  and @Sammycat1  - thank you so much for your prayers and kind words about my friends. 


Cheri and her DH were friends from college. They met at our college radio station, fell in love and got married. They shared a love of Disney and the NY Yankees.


Mary and Helen were friends (along with two other wonderful women) from childhood. Getting together with all four was a hoot. Imagine sitting in the middle of Olive Garden while discussing Frank Sinatra and his fellow singers and having them all break into song. Loudly.


We celebrated Helen's 90th birthday last September. Her niece and nephew had a party for her and they sent an Uber driver to her apartment to pick her up. They had to go get her anyway because Helen didn't know what to do about the "Hoover" driver.


All three women were unique in their own way but you'd be hard pressed to find people kinder then they were. They will be truly missed.


And - I have my car back and it feels much better on the road. DH still has some indicator lights lighting up so he's going to investigate that further. Our new/old mechanic did some diagnostics and everything seems to be okay but DH definitely wants to get to the bottom of why the lights keep coming on.


I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and you weren't affected too badly by the Canadian wildfires. It was so smoky here that everything outside looked yellowish-orange and the smell of the smoke seeped into the store.


Love TrafficDiva

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 , I am concerned since we haven't heard from you. Please let us hear from you. 


Sending love across the miles. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Quick note:   @Tissyanne  I've been struggling working outdoors on the battlefield in this wildfire smoke that blew down from Canada. I have mild asthma and allergies, but this smoke kicked my butt. I've been resting at night, literally not moving much, so I could go back out each day.


No fears!  I have a different, new inhaler and I'm starting to feel better. We're taking Frankie in for a checkup tomorrow (Saturday with her Most Excellent Vet). I planned to update you after that, but I didn't want you to be concerned a day longer than you've already been.


By the way, I was tickled about you dreaming about Frankie watching her videos!  She's got everyone mesmerized!


Stay tuned, my dear friend!

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 , thank you for letting me hear from you. I am sorry you are experiencing difficulties with the wildfire smoke. We haven't seen any here, but I have been seeing this on the news reports. 


I hope your inhaler continues to help you. 


Let us know how Frankie ladybug does at her vet appointment tomorrow. Get some rest. 


My dream was so sweet, and seemed real. Smiley Very Happy



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sunday report:  Greeting, Schmoosters, on this balmy and a little less smoky Sunday!


Frankie report on Most Excellent Vet visit -- her liver enzymes and other indicators have dropped from near lethal to just very slightly abnormal, a decrease of more than 500 points. All other blood work looking pretty good. Blood sugar a little elevated, but that's usually because she's angry and stressed in going to the vet.


Her throat and gums look good; the angry tissue from a stomatitis flare has disappeared. She's gained some weight back from her last blowout episode.  She had a very slight fever, also her stress, and her heart rate was bonkers. (We had to wait a half hour for her appointment, so that just makes her more crazy).


So all in all, he is quite pleased. He's leaving her on the increased dose of prednisolone because she's not had enough time in the clear with the liver to start reducing it just yet. And when we do, we'll reduce it gradually by very tiny amounts.


We don't like that, but we're about quality of life over quantity--we all agree that's the priority. Yes, the steroids push her heart and kidneys a little, but something's going to get her, and it's likely her liver. So we're treading water in a very measured way.


She wants to show you the "Hello Kitty Pom Pom pillow" I just got her from Vera Bradley to sprawl her luxurious kitty bod against. Super soft, plus, Hello, it's Kitties:


Frankie Hello Kitty June 2023 SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Frankie you are a beautiful girl💗

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Frankie looks smashing with her new pillow and she looks so happy.  So glad the report was as good as it could be.  We will always take even a little bettter news.  Sammy, I am so glad the smoke is clearing some.  that must have been awful.  Sharing a pictice of Miss Katy.  She is not happy Mommy is working away from home, she and I both have a sad face getting use to this change.  I hope everyone has a good week.



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


That's very good news for Sweet Frankie.  I'm pleased that your Most Excellent Vet is pleased.  Frankie has an inner strength that I hope continues.  It's full circle .. I believe it's because she wants to continue sharing her love with both you & DH for all your love, care & comfort you've given her through the years.  Heart  


Sweet Frankie:  your beauty shines even more with that very cute pillow behind you.  Enjoy it & hope you get loads of comfort from it.  I'm sending you Blessings that your health improvements continue for as long as possible.  May this week be full of sunshine, fun, love & comfort for you & your critter friends.  Tonight, I wish you calmness, peace, love & comfort.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Shop Till you Drop 

I feel bad both you & Katie are going thru this difficult adjustment.  


I felt the same way after I got my 2 little girls but luckily I was only 10 mins. from work & was able to come home at lunch time to check on them & visit for a bit.  


They really pull at our heart strings.  Sending you hope & support that the adjustment will get easier for you & Katie.  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:  Good morning to all in the Schmoo Family from a rainy Schmooville! 


@Shop Till you Drop  Our hearts break just looking at Katie's mournful face, but we know you'll both adjust. She's particularly beautiful in this photo. We send healing cuddles over the miles.


@sceniccoast  Thanks for your positive comments on Frankie. She's hanging tight.


For today, a photo DH took after he placed and newly laundered, fluffy towel on top of Frankie's orthopedic memory foam wedge. She hopped on and curled right up into an Olympic sleep.


The question on this towel pattern is:  where does the kitty begin and where does she end?


Frankie where's Frankie SZD.jpg